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  1. lilstrup

    sound good

    that that much its all in a small pile
  2. lilstrup

    sound good

    i am trying to find somthing to go in my 180 i am goin to move my fimbriated my black lion and my panther all from my 250 to a 180 is it alright to get a round ray too
  3. lilstrup

    Is is a bad idea to have 2 different eels in the same tank?

    yea i had a fimbriated and than put 2 larger sfe and they got along fine
  4. lilstrup


    so how sould i musure that its there a test kit
  5. lilstrup

    lion wont eat

    wait bob the krill like put him under the water and how long should i do it for
  6. lilstrup

    Spotted Caribbean Stingray

    plz some1
  7. lilstrup


    plz some1
  8. lilstrup

    Spotted Caribbean Stingray

    cuz i read somewhere that they r the same thing
  9. lilstrup


    ok i read that a round ray needs temp 72-78 sg 1.020-1.025 and dkh 8-12 what is dkh
  10. lilstrup

    Spotted Caribbean Stingray

    i am buying a Spotted Caribbean Stingray and i was wondering is it was the same as a round stingray
  11. lilstrup

    250g fish list ok?

    no i wouldn't because he might pick at the sharks and rays eyes
  12. lilstrup

    black volitan lion

    i think i should get more than just 2 black mollies because i have a 22 inch fimbriated and a 10 inch panther grouper that would eat them too
  13. lilstrup

    lion wont eat

    i have silver sides, shrimp, squid, and krill should i try soaking it in garlic
  14. lilstrup

    lion wont eat

    hey guys i just got a black lion from my lfs and he still isn't eating what can i try
  15. lilstrup

    Whats a good uv sterilizer?

    what kind of fish r u goin to put in it
  16. lilstrup

    250g fish list ok?

    yea i would get a 300 gal than they have more space to swim and will be a lot better
  17. lilstrup

    Shark Egg

    or just move stuff a shark is a lot better
  18. lilstrup

    black volitan lion

    hey my lion is still not eating so what should i try
  19. lilstrup

    shark behavior

    yea nevermind tat is a good idea the only thing i was thinkin is than you will have to upgrade faster
  20. lilstrup

    shark behavior

    yea it is fine but i agree with knots the tank is too small i would upgrade him to a 250 in atleast 1 to 2 years but till then i would lower the temp to about 75 and don't do it right away lower it by 1 degree every 2 hours till its about 75 degrees