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  1. lilstrup

    lets see some GOOD EXAMPLES of aggresive tanks in pic form

    here is my 8 inch bamboo is my 250 gal
  2. lilstrup

    quick Shark queshtion

    i wouldn't put a shark in anything less than a 240
  3. lilstrup

    black volitan lion

    he is about 5 inches my lfs messed up and gave me him as a red lion so i only paid 40 bucks but i am not sure what a black lion would be
  4. lilstrup

    lets see some GOOD EXAMPLES of aggresive tanks in pic form

    here is my big fimbriated
  5. lilstrup

    lets see some GOOD EXAMPLES of aggresive tanks in pic form

    and the last one of him
  6. lilstrup

    lets see some GOOD EXAMPLES of aggresive tanks in pic form

    here is a good pic of my black lion
  7. lilstrup

    lets see some GOOD EXAMPLES of aggresive tanks in pic form

    not so great of friends
  8. lilstrup

    black volitan lion

    and the last
  9. lilstrup

    black volitan lion

    another good 1
  10. lilstrup

    black volitan lion

    here is a good 1
  11. lilstrup

    lets see some GOOD EXAMPLES of aggresive tanks in pic form

    sry its not that good of a picture but it is a 5 inch black lion
  12. lilstrup

    lion fish

    no you shouldn't even have the undulated in with your puffer he needs a tank to himself
  13. lilstrup

    lets see some GOOD EXAMPLES of aggresive tanks in pic form

    here is my panther about 10 inches
  14. lilstrup

    lets see some GOOD EXAMPLES of aggresive tanks in pic form

    here are teo good friends
  15. lilstrup

    black volitan lion

    i will get better pics up heere when he moves
  16. lilstrup

    black volitan lion

    sorry bout these pics he is sitting in a hard spot to take a pic
  17. lilstrup

    black volitan lion

    i just got him and the guy at my lfs said he was a red volitan but i think he is crazy
  18. lilstrup

    shark egg

    so i shouldn't really worry about the fimbriated