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  1. lilstrup

    shark egg

    yea i would just keep it in there till it hached than take him out and put him in i just wanna be there to make sure he does alright cuz it will prolly happen at night or during the day when i am gone
  2. lilstrup

    shark egg

    could i put him in a hand on tank
  3. lilstrup

    shark egg

    ok i have a shark egg in my 250 there is already a 7 inch panther and about a 23 inch fimbriated do u think the fimbriated will eat the shark btw he already ate my 5 inch wrasse
  4. lilstrup

    how mean can people be

    ok i saw this somewhere but a guy had a 240 gallon wit 2 blue spotted rays 1 yellow ray 2 leopard sharks 1 smooth hound 1 marbled cat 1 grouper and 1 yellow tang that is so mean
  5. lilstrup

    Incoming Livestock

    so what r u goin to do with the shark when it outgrows the tank
  6. lilstrup

    Incoming Livestock

    that is my last min tip to save u money
  7. lilstrup

    big tank skimmers

    how many gallons is one of ur skimmer for
  8. lilstrup

    big tank skimmers

    that is on ur shark pond right
  9. lilstrup

    big tank skimmers

    what tank is it on
  10. lilstrup

    blue spotted stingray ?

    can u guys post a pic of ur rays i love these guys
  11. lilstrup

    Incoming Livestock

    i would just get the cali ray
  12. lilstrup

    Incoming Livestock

    i would not do rocks because the shark could bump into them and get cuts and that they will probly get infected and the ray needs alot of swimming room maby a few rocks but not stacking the shark will try to move them around lookin for food but they might fall and crush him and the shark in a...
  13. lilstrup


    you can really put any larger fish as long as its bigger than the eels mouth
  14. lilstrup

    blue spotted stingray ?

    you can put krill soaked in garlic extract under him near his gills and he should eat it
  15. lilstrup


    really even a 180 will be to small for a bamboo they will out grow it in two years
  16. lilstrup

    450g shark

    Originally posted by fishnerd Falconred- Why do you state you have 2 Lemons and 1 Blacktip, but attach an image of 2 Nurses??? mmmmmmmmm those r not nurses
  17. lilstrup

    white spotted bamboo

    plz some1 answer
  18. lilstrup

    banded cat shark

    yea angels are always bad with sharks
  19. lilstrup

    white spotted bamboo

    i have a newborn white spotted bamboo in my 250 gal with 2 blue spotted rays is it ok if i feed him glass shrimp cuz i no not to feed him fresh water fish
  20. lilstrup

    what is he
