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  1. bears

    Frag tank

    I don't mean huge LR on the bottom, some smaller pieces if you get some. read this thread 3rd and 4th post and use whole thread as a reference if you want, he is doing same thing that you would like to do. Also what is the total...
  2. bears

    Frag tank

    I don't know if you want live rock in a frag tank. Basically, you just want a bare tank with lots of flow and light. As for corals, that all depends on what you want to grow. Actually you will probably want some LR, some on the bottom to catch frags(a piece might fall off of something and is...
  3. bears


    24 gallon aquapod, good or waste of money?
  4. bears


  5. bears


    Well what I am thinking of doing is also making a nanoreef that I want to put Acro in and I was thinking of stacking LR sorta high in the tank(tank would be probably 5 gal.) and I would have about 25-30 watts going, with probably one of the power heads that move or a maxi-jet that moves 160...
  6. bears


    Could I keep acropora in a tank that gets around 5 watts per gallon if I keep it near the top?
  7. bears

    pc spot light

    I was wondering because I am going to make a nano reef if I could use a pc spot light that has 60 watts, because I haven't heard of anyone useing a spot light in their tank and I have a 15 gal. and a spot would probably light the whole tank.
  8. bears

    coral lighting

    I am going to get good lights but just until then(im going to get T5's)
  9. bears

    coral lighting

    I am making a minireef and right now I wont be able to have very strong lights so what are some corals that need very low light/ pretty much no light because either in the beggining I will have about 1 watt per gallon and if I got with another tank I have it might be 2 so are there any corals...
  10. bears

    substrate question

    How many pounds of substrate would I need to make a 3"-3/12" bed in my 46 gal. tank?
  11. bears

    lighting question

    Ok so I think that I will just wait for the T5's and I'll just save up my money while the tank is cycling and maybe by a shroom or something for the lights that come with the tank and then get others when I get the T5's thanks for the help
  12. bears

    lighting question

    or should I not buy those and just wait and save up for this T5 *Link Removed* (sorry about double post, sorry if can't post links)
  13. bears

    lighting question

    Well I want to make a reef tank with a 46 gal. tank I am getting and the T5 light fixtures are to much for me right now so would I be able to have a reef tank with: A 30watt power-Glo 30 watt Life-Glo 2 30 watt and a Marine-Glo(Actinic) all running at the same time?A booklet that I got for...