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  1. bears

    Coral ID plz

    flow-moderate to strong light- I would say moderate-Favia species if often found at depth of 25 to 30 feet and is therefore not accustomed to high intensity lighting but, rather, to lots of blue. When first placing such a coral in your tank it is prudent to shield it somewhat from too strong...
  2. bears

    Post Ur Gorgonians Here

    Get one, one of the best buys I ever made. You can't go wrong, Just don't let it hit the air, depending on the species. why can't it touch the air?
  3. bears

    Let Me Have It Frag Tank Users.

    You could add some rubble under the egg crates as a way to catch microscopic frags and that way if they fall off you might still catch a few.
  4. bears

    RO/DI water

    Just making sure, that is the water you can buy at any grocery store for like $1?
  5. bears


    Well I want to make a mixed but I just like the look of sps's and so I was just wonder which I could keep with that lighting because I am thinking of aiming a PH more near the top so it is more powerful up top for sps and maybe a smaller one aimed more in the middle and near the sand. and...
  6. bears


    Thanks for all the help reefreak I am just asking alot of questions because I will be setting up a to-be nanoreef in a day or two, but I guess that is what the forum is for, to ask questions.
  7. bears

    Acro Lokani

    I saw a few 2" frags at my LFS for $20, is that a good price(for future reference) and also what do you need for them ex. high lighting and med. flow?
  8. bears


    what other sps'sss could I keep with that lighting?
  9. bears


    I will be getting T5's for my 20 gal.(long,, so not all that deep) nanoreef that I am going to set up and I will be getting 4.8 watts per gal.,,, will that be enough to keep staghorn if I keep it near the top of teh tank. also will a 24" nova Extreme fit on my tank(it is 24"long 12"wide)
  10. bears

    24" Nova Extreme T5 HO 4x24W ???

    I am going to put an order for one in 2 days and would a 24" fit on my 20 gal. it is 24" long 12"wide/deep and sense it is such a short tank could I keep some sps in it up at the top like staghorn?
  11. bears


    Ok well I think I will just try to make my own with my I think 20 gal. tank, it is (I think) 24" long 12" wide, if anyone knows a place that you can get cheap MH lighting can you please e-mail me it mine is Thanks
  12. bears

    Frag tank

    ok well just do what I said for the algae and also about your question with the filter yes you will still need one but you don't need a skimmer yay!
  13. bears

    Frag tank

    also for the cyano algae is cause by lots of light and not enough flow, so for this I would say if you have nothing that needs light in tank to keep lights off for a while or just keep them on less, try to get more flow going probably useing a powerhead which you will probably need for the...
  14. bears

    Frag tank

    Ok well I don't know very much about bubble algae but I know for bubble just don't break any or they will spread. You could either get an emerald crab which eats bubble algae or you and/or can pull them off with tweezers or something just try not to pop them or they will leave spores which will...
  15. bears


    ya, but with the price of the tank, lr,powerhead,reef sand,etc. I am just going to start with soft corals and eventually get sps,
  16. bears


    lol, ok back on topic are aquapods good because I would like to make a nano reef and eventually get a sunpod and then keep sps's
  17. bears

    Frag tank

    ok well t5's usually, actually always have alot of watts and have a pretty intense lighting or w/e so if you wanted and you put them up high enough in the tank and have a strong flow you could probably keep some sps's also but you might want someone else's opinion's on that sense there are alot...
  18. bears


    im confused...... I can get an aquapod for $169.99 biocube $220 Aquapod= cheaper
  19. bears


    no 50 over the price I can get for an aquapod
  20. bears


    Thats the thing I can't find any biocubes around me and online they are atleast $50 more(I'm short on money)