Search results

  1. triggerfishman

    hi great pics on the clown trigger but does anyone know where to get a titan trigger

    zemuro114, There are lots of online pet stores that carry Crosshatch triggerfish. Most are in the $150 to $350 range. The reason they are so costly is because of the dept the collectors have to go to obtain them as well as the location. The Hawaiian species it alot more intense in color then the...
  2. triggerfishman


    If you still looking for a stone fish I have one about 3 inches in size, can easily ship to you. Let me know.
  3. triggerfishman

    4 Sale In Tampa Fl

    Hi Kyle Wyckoff Is the tank still for sale, can you send me a picture of it, I live in Ft. Myers and am very interested in it. is the email to direct the pictures to. Thanks
  4. triggerfishman

    New Juv. Starry Trigger (Abalistes stellatus)

    You need to add Orangesided Triggerfish Sufflame verres Large Scale Triggerfish Canthidermis macrolepis Deepwater Triggerfish Rhinecanthus abyssus Stricklands Triggerfish Rhinecanthus cinereus Also just to note: Bluespotted Triggerfish Balistes forcipitus has been changed to Balistes...
  5. triggerfishman

    is my girlfriend crazy??

    Most likely a Crescent Trigger (Rhinecanthus lunula). When she gets back ask here if this is what it looked like. Edit: no links It could also be the Deep Water Triggerfish (Rhinecanthus abyssus). This is the newest species in the family. Highly doubtful though they live at depts greater then...
  6. triggerfishman

    Looking For Titan Trigger

    Ben, Ron has not responded to the post nor the emails I have sent him. The shipping shouldn't be too much. I am in Naples Fl, and you are up in Fort Walton Beach. I would guess about 30-40 dollars for shipping. If you are interested send me an e-mail and contact information to arrange...
  7. triggerfishman

    Looking For Titan Trigger

    Hey Ron, I tried to e-mail you with the information and i keep getting it sent back to me. Iwill try again. If not Yes, I can ship to Iowa and I am asking $40 plus S&H
  8. triggerfishman

    Looking For Titan Trigger

    Coorsxman, I have a 2- 2 1/2 Titan Available. If you are interested in it send me an email
  9. triggerfishman

    hi great pics on the clown trigger but does anyone know where to get a titan trigger

    DFishH, Giant Hawkfish (Cirrhitus rivulatus) Here are a couple of links to see what they look like.
  10. triggerfishman

    hi great pics on the clown trigger but does anyone know where to get a titan trigger

    piccasotrigger & northern_reefer, I have a Clown, Titan, Blueline,Crosshatch, Niger Trigger(not in pic), Bumblebee Grouper, Passer and Cortez Angelfish, 4 Strip Damselfish, Giant Hawkfish and Red Spotted Hawkfish (not in pic). They all live comfortably in a 125. HNF2K Yes that is a bumblebee...
  11. triggerfishman

    hi great pics on the clown trigger but does anyone know where to get a titan trigger

    George here is one picture I sent more to your e-mail account. If you are interested let me know.
  12. triggerfishman

    Must Sell Quickly - 3 Salt Setups (central Florida Area)

    phishman1 Interested in the livestock you have. Live down in Ft. Myers FL. Let me know what the prices are especially for the triggerfish. Thanks
  13. triggerfishman

    hi great pics on the clown trigger but does anyone know where to get a titan trigger

    GeorgeH, I curently have a titan for sale. He is 2 to 2.5 inches. If you are interested let me know.
  14. triggerfishman

    hi great pics on the clown trigger but does anyone know where to get a titan trigger

    northern_reefer that is a titan, you can tell by the moustache that it is starting to get as well as the darker coloration. The yellow margin as a juv. will look like this:
  15. triggerfishman

    what kind of eel is this??????

    Does you eel look like the one in the following link
  16. triggerfishman

    NE Ohio Pet stores

    You can check out
  17. triggerfishman

    Large Picasso for trade or sale

    I would be interested in taking him offer your hands. I live in FL can you ship him to me? What are you looking to get for him?
  18. triggerfishman

    Stone Triggerfish

    Killyah, Forgot to mention that the page from your link has some misinformation on it. The picture of the Picasso Trigger (R. aculeatus) is actually a Crescent Triggerfish (R. lunula). Just to let you know.
  19. triggerfishman

    Stone Triggerfish

    Killyah, Try these links: or or and I know there are a couple of books as well that mention the Stone Triggerfish, I just don't have there names availabe to me right now. When I...
  20. triggerfishman

    aggresive tank with sand bed?

    Yes, they will stay alive. If you not sure pick up one specimen and see if the fish bother any of them. If you want the next time i am out diving I will see if I can find a couple of small crabs or sand sifiting starfish and I can send them to you to try. This way if your fish eat them...