hi great pics on the clown trigger but does anyone know where to get a titan trigger


New Member
hi i am racking my brains trying to get a titan trigger. everyone seems to be out of stock. does anyone here have one. and where did you get it? also if you would lt me know what size tank and if you keep any fish or eels with it. i have a 180 gallon with a testellata eel which is about 2.5 feet long. i am planning on keeping it with him
I have a 6.5" titan that I keep with a 6" clown trigger in a 170G tank. The titan is amazingly rugged. It flips and drags anything smaller than a baseball in search of food. I got mine from my lfs. It took about 6 months before one was on their suppliers list. I have seen them at two places on the net.
don't know if they have one in stock
last time I checked they had a 3" titan for $149
I have this baby trigger 1.5" that I can't decide if it is a titan or a yellow faced. If it is a titan I would be willing to sell him because I have another titan. As the little trigger grows it gets darker in color and becomes more aggressive. When I bought this litte guy I put him in with one of my clown triggers and he bit the clown trigger multiple times. Tell me what you think


New Member
northern_reefer that is a titan, you can tell by the moustache that it is starting to get as well as the darker coloration. The yellow margin as a juv. will look like this:
Trigger fish man, Wow thats a nice tank the clown the titan adn vluielined trigger dont fight? thats cool ive wanted to try that how big is the tank


Active Member
triggerfishman, is that a bumblebee grouper? if so how much did you pay for him? my lfs has one going for 1000 bucks. too rich for my blood.


New Member
piccasotrigger & northern_reefer,
I have a Clown, Titan, Blueline,Crosshatch, Niger Trigger(not in pic), Bumblebee Grouper, Passer and Cortez Angelfish, 4 Strip Damselfish, Giant Hawkfish and Red Spotted Hawkfish (not in pic).
They all live comfortably in a 125.
HNF2K Yes that is a bumblebee groupe I got him from a west cost pet store for $49.00 at 4 inches.


Active Member
ahh ok, the one at my lfs was probably about a foot maybe. i dont know, it was expensive.


that angel looks like a french angel, also wats a giant hawkfish, just wondering cuz hawkfish r reely cool i think
triggerfish man
wow all of those fish are really cool. I think that is the nicest fish tank ive ever seen. That giant hawk fish must be awsome do u have any pics of it. Also i really want to recreate to an extend wat your doing. I would really like to get a bluejaw trigger a titan trigger a clown trigger a bluelined trigger a huma and a niger trigger. i would like to add a queen instead of the niger but i think that might be pushing it. Also with those triggers i would like a giant hawkfish and a koran angel. i was wondering did u get them all the same size. It looks like the crosshatch is the biggest the bluelined and the clown are tied in size and the titan is the smallest. The clown and bluelined dont mess with it? Did u add them in any order or did u get them all at the same time because ive noticed with my queen she doesnt fight with my small niger even tho shes 4 times his size but the niger was in there before her any fish i add now is food for her. Lastly is there any advice you have like which fish work well and which ones fight occasionly etc.
whoops ps i forgot one are you selling them an that set up was only temperary or have u had them together for a while i ask because i heard ure selling the titan. thanks for any advice sorry about the long post but im in awww of ure tank im looking for info on a tank like that an i wanna here from someone who has it any tips will be greatly apreciatted.