Search results

  1. lerch

    how many powerheads for a 90 gallon??

    I would have as many as you can get, keep the water moving good, and put one behind your live rock so you can blow out the detritus that collects behind it, that was the best thing I ever did for my tank.
  2. lerch

    coraline turnin white??

    If your tank is cycling then this is probably die off, don't worry the coraline will come back as long you have plenty of water motion, light, and keep your clacium and alkalinity right. To get the coraline to come back quicker put a piece of rock with a lot of coraline on it in front of one of...
  3. lerch

    white larav on a peice of my LR

    Does it look like a white tube, kinda like a worm with a hole on one end. If it looks like this and is hard then it is a kind of feather duster worm. I have some of these and you can see the little feather duster come out of the open end. If does not look like this the I don't know, sorry.
  4. lerch

    New (to me) Clownfish Host

    I have read articles over clownfish forming a host with other types of corals, but many people say that this will irrate the coral. I have a clown and he loves the bubble tip I put in with him. If your fox coral seems to be okay the great, I am sure it would be interesting to see. If they...
  5. lerch


    I have had a green brittle star and a horseshoe crab and I wasn't impressed with either one. The horseshoe was just about the most stressful thing on eart to watch if he came out of the sand and tried to swim around, also he would knock over rocks. The brittle star was a okay scavenger but all...
  6. lerch

    peppermint shrimp safe?

    Hey dad, I got a peppermint about a month ago and he has not screwed around with any of my corals, I originaly got him to see if he would kill my aptasia, but he wouldn't touch it. I also have yellow polyps and he hasn't messed with them either. The only shrimp I have had problems with is a...
  7. lerch

    Epidemic of algea

    I have a friend who had the same problem and his porblem was due to the fact that there was a light outside of his house the shined on his tank through a window all night long. He put up some curtains and the problem is going away. I would add a protein skimmer, a DSB and tons of live rock...
  8. lerch

    Gobies & Blennies

    Also the lawnmower blenny is great for cleaning algea off your rocks, but I don't know how compatible they are with other blennies.
  9. lerch

    Gobies & Blennies

    I really love blennies and gobies also, I have a orange spotted watchman gobie, a dragon gobie, and I just got a Blue Spot Jawfish. I would recommend the scooter blenny, I found a little red scooter that is really cool looking. I love jawfishes too, but if you decide to get a blue spotted one...
  10. lerch

    Norman, Oklahoma.

    I am thinking about making a trip down their store and I was wondering if you could give me directions from I-35. If you want to just e-mail them to me , my adress is
  11. lerch

    Norman, Oklahoma.

    Sorry I can't remember what your name is but you have wrote me before about places to shop at. I was wondering where you get most of your fish and stuff from??
  12. lerch

    Blue Spotted Jawfish

    I just bought one of these beautiful, and expensive, little suckers 2 days ago and I was wondering if anyone had any experince with them or other jawfish. I have 4 inches of different grades of sand for him but so far he will just burrow underneath live rock. Any tips???? Any info at all will...
  13. lerch

    do you know what this is?(invert)

    It could be a bumble bee snail
  14. lerch

    what do most people feed corals?

    I dose with phytoplex 3-4 times a week, don't use to much though cause it can raise nitrates. I feed my anemone and open brain coral chopped shrimp 2 a week. I feed my yellow polyps a mix of brine shrimp and phytoplex and I squirt it into their arms with a eye dropper, they love it. Any...
  15. lerch

    little green arms

    If they are slender and all seem to be originating from one area, maybe apiece of rock with sevral holes in it, then I would say that it is a serpent star. If it is then congratulations they are great cleaners, but watch out they can grow to be huge. Look in your tank at night, that is when my...
  16. lerch

    Something "CRAB-LIKE in a rock

    If it runs sideways I would say it is some kind of crab, I don't know what kind though. I have seen some fiddle crabs that have been all black. A fiddle crab would have large claw. I guess just try to get a closer look at it. You might try to research crabs online, it might help.
  17. lerch

    Something "CRAB-LIKE in a rock

    Well, I am not for sure, if you can get another look at it see if its front legs curl in like a praying mantis, or if it is green and black colored, kinda of pretty like. If it look like this I am sorry, it is probably a mantis shrimp. I have never had one but I have heard many horror stories...
  18. lerch

    50 gal reef setup

    I have a 55 gal reef tank that has been doing pretty good and this is what I would tell you. Pack on the lights, I have a 48 inch power compact and 2 other small flourescents that I am wanting to upgrade. Put in a dsb and as much live rock as possible, also put on as many and as big of filters...
  19. lerch

    Need Anemone Identified

    My pepermint shrimp hasn't done crap to get rid of my aptasia, but he is a great scavenger. If you want to keep them gone you might want to get a saron shrimp, also called a marble shrimp. Mine has killed several of the aptasia and he is still hunting. I have heard they will kill some other...
  20. lerch

    I'm sure someone knows what this it is !

    I think I am suffering from a aptasia outbreak right now. A girl at my LFS told me that it was a button polyp when I bought the piece of live rock when I bought it, she did not say it was aptasia so I was am pretty mad at her now. I have had this rock for nearly 4 months now and it has really...