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  1. p fish

    Glass Tops (With/Without)

    Just updated my light systems on my 72 bowfront from sit on top NO florescent to VHOs and MH in a canopy. My question is, what do most of you prefer, leaving your glass tops on or taking them off and why.........thanks
  2. p fish


    I have them and have to clean them too much almost weekly just to keep them moving
  3. p fish

    Poll: Do you like the new board?

    I like the look and I really like change, it keeps things interesting. Thanks to everyone who has ever helped me..........
  4. p fish


    I caught mine the first thing in the morning, turned the light on and got him before he focused
  5. p fish

    Bowfront Canopy

    Anyone know of any good sources to purchase a canopy for a 72g Black Bowfront.......
  6. p fish

    Richmond VA Location

    I vacationing in Richmond VA, does anyone know of the best LPS locations in this city. thanks for any help....
  7. p fish

    Air Condition Problem

    great article on
  8. p fish

    Air Condition Problem

    I'm in NC and my air in my house is out and will be out for more then 24hours. Any suggestion on what to do with my reef tanks while I wait for a repairman to get to me. The temp on the outside is in the mid 90s during the day. Any help with this will be much appreciated.....thanks.....
  9. p fish

    Feeding Opinions

    Just want to know some of your opinions on how many times a day/per week everyone is feeding the fish they keep in their reef tanks......
  10. p fish

    To Any Shark out there - New Forum Please Nano-Reefs

    Where are you getting your lighting for your nanos?
  11. p fish

    Flat out, isn't this just the greatest hobby?

    WILDESCOTT, Where in Richmond VA are the stores you visit. I come thru there on the weekends and need to know where to stop and look for stuff.....thanks
  12. p fish

    Flat out, isn't this just the greatest hobby?

    I spend most of my day thinking about what I'm going to do to my tanks when I get home from work. You are right this is the greatest hobby and most addictive. I love it.....
  13. p fish

    Red Alge Growth

    What are some of the reasons for alge growth all over a tank?
  14. p fish

    Clown Trigger

    Have a quick question. My clown Trigger is swimming sideways and supporting himself under rocks. He is eating good and now other signs of anything being wrong. The water conditions are perfect. Any idea what might be wrong? All of his fins and body parts are in tack.....thanks.... "P"
  15. p fish

    Green Water

    Could someone tell me the reason water turns green and what I can do to get rid of it??
  16. p fish

    PH Question

    Was just wandering, I have two tanks, 125g Fish, LR LS and a 75g reef small fish LR LS. I did a 10% water change this past weekend and all is well but the PH, it has drop completely of the scale. What could have caused this. All other reading are please :confused:
  17. p fish

    Tempature and Ick!

    There has been many posts here to never raise the temp, I'm sure they will repeat that again, so don't raise the temp.
  18. p fish

    Cycling Time Question

    Whats the quickest anyone has cycled a tank? I just cycled another tank (Yes another, the wife's not happy, but)and it only took 6 days. Its a 75g lr and ls. Any one did it faster and is that good? "P"
  19. p fish

    LS DSB Question

    thank all I get the general Idea :p
  20. p fish

    LS DSB Question

    Question to All? What should a LS DSB be made of, what type of sand is better, fine sand/Aragonite or other sand?