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  1. gammabill

    Hair Algae

    Thank you ninja........I will follow all of the above instructions. Hopefully this will settle the problem.
  2. gammabill

    Hair Algae

    I do use RO/DI water. I have the system in my basement and I did check out all the filters/carbon etc. They are fine. My water PH is right on. My Nitrates were alittle high, but got them under control. Calcium is right on also. I failed to mention along with the hair algae, I also now have...
  3. gammabill

    Hair Algae

    Thanks Fishygurl. I have my lights on between 10 to 12 hrs. My lights are almost a year old and usually I replace them in March. Not sure on my feeding...I give them (10 fish) in a 80 gal tank some bloodworm and mysis shrimp. these are about the size of an eraser on a pencil. Also I give...
  4. gammabill

    Hair Algae

    No I don't at this time. I had a few but lost them months ago. Which type should I purchase?
  5. gammabill

    Hair Algae

    HELP........I'm having a terrible problem with hair do I combat it?
  6. gammabill

    Nitrate levels

    Originally posted by ClarkiiClo does it look like this? LOL...yes it does look like the picture. I have quite alot on my LR
  7. gammabill

    Nitrate levels

    Originally posted by ClarkiiClo That is good. Do you have any macro aglae? I believe I do........but not sure just what macro algae is. If you are refering to the rose colored algae on LR and some on glass, I guess I do. Sorry, really a beginner here and learning each and every day.
  8. gammabill

    Nitrate levels

    Originally posted by ClarkiiClo It may be the bioballs. I have heard that after time they can be a source of nitrate buildup. Do you have sand or CC in the display? I have sand
  9. gammabill

    Nitrate levels

    Originally posted by ClarkiiClo Water changes can help. RO/DI water. What type of filtration do you have? I use only RO/DI water and my filtration system is tank under cabinet. Main chamber has skimmer and water flows over charcoal in to next tank which has bio balls and then into next...
  10. gammabill

    Nitrate levels

    Originally posted by ClarkiiClo How old is your tank? My tank is 15 months old....everything is doing great and corals are multiplying.....but this chemical part is very confusing to me, especially on correcting bad numbers
  11. gammabill

    Nitrate levels

    Just took a reading of my levels, and my Nitrate reading was in the unsafe area....160-200. Could someone tell me how to correctify this problem...Nitrite is 0....Alkalinity is 180 and pH is 8.4 Thanks:help:
  12. gammabill

    ID Please

    EDT....THANKS! It was just what you thought.......took out flashlight and scanned my tank.......and the thing was lunching on my pipe coral! Got it out and destroyed it. Have been checking nightly for others, but don't seem to see any. Thanks for all the info and search sites.
  13. gammabill

    ID Please

    Thank you..........thought that was what it could be. Will do the research.
  14. gammabill

    ID Please

    :help: Could someone please ID what this creature is on my glass. Have attached picture....sorry, poor quality...can't take a close up with my digital...flash too bright. Without flash poor quality. It is kind of star shaped with what looks like a tiny mouth in center with lines going out to...
  15. gammabill

    Saltwaterfish Product

    :jumping: Have to tell everyone that I got my very first shipment from Saltwaterfish yesterday. I have an 80 gal tank and needed to replennish my cleanup crew. I purchase the reef package suggested for my tank size. I AM SO VERY HAPPY with all of the critters that they sent me. Only lost a...
  16. gammabill

    Chocolate Jelley Bean Gobi

    :notsure: Can anyone tell me why my Chocolate Jelly Bean Gobi......was really dark brown is now turning a light tan color. Is this normal? He eats well and looks very healthy, but the color change has me worried that something is wrong with him. Thanks
  17. gammabill

    new RO/DI unit

    :happy: I bought the six stage unit on ---- also, mine came with a holding tank and drinking faucet......also an automatic shut off valve. Best thing I ever bought, saves so much time hauling water and storing. AND THE FISH REALLY ENJOY THE NEW WATER! Was using tap water (letting it set for a...
  18. gammabill

    New lighting......hit 5months old

    Originally posted by BeachBumTX HIya!, What's the total wattage on your tank? 260 watts? Do you have hard corals? I have similar power compacts. Coral life four 65 watt bulbs. Its on my 55gal. I want to have hard corals, but I figure I would have to hold off until I get additional lighting. 260...
  19. gammabill

    New lighting......hit 5months old

    Originally posted by pacopetty What is your light schedule set up, as far as how long are they on I have them set up on twelve hours on...and the moon lights are on for just a couple of hours....
  20. gammabill

    New lighting......hit 5months old

    Originally posted by pacopetty I just ordered the same lights you have for my 55 gal. Which brand of moonlights are you running? Do you have your compacts on a timer? The lights are CustomSealife....have the compacts and moon lights on timers