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  1. codered

    How long should lights be on?

    I have a 20W NO Flor. light in my 30 gallon tank. I've recently had problems with cyanobacteria, and I read that leaving on the light (I never turn it off) can cause this. How long should I leave the light on for each day? Also, I've been treating with Kent Poly Ox, but I'm having limited...
  2. codered

    Bioload - Beginner QUestion

    They are really cool, and those are indeed the fish that I have. The guy at the pet store told me 2" max though. Do snails count against bioload?
  3. codered

    Bioload - Beginner QUestion

    I've set up my aquarium, and it has been running for six weeks. I'm done with my cycle. I've had recent problems with "red slime" but they've been taken care of. I have a 30-gallon aquarium, two thirty-gallons filters, no protein skimmer, and 35lbs of live rock. I have a small false...
  4. codered

    Please help! Lighting Question!

    No corals, just fish. Do you know if the 75 will work ok with the florecent hardware?
  5. codered

    Please help! Lighting Question!

    I purchased my aquarium, and it came with a 24 inch 20W florecent bulb. I'm considering upgrading to a VHO WHITE ACTINIC 24" 75 WATT bulb. Three questions... Will this work with my current setup? That is, can you interchange between VHO and florecent if they're the same size? Does white actinic...
  6. codered

    Please Help - Strange growth in new tank...

    I don't think I'm overfeeding. The food I have is called OSI Marine Flake Food. The instructions say not to feed more than they'll eat in five minutes... I do that. I feed them every morning and night. I have good watermovement over the area. In fact, when the shrimp stands there, he gets...
  7. codered

    Please Help - Strange growth in new tank...

    How do I get rid of it? I used tap water to start the aquarium. I dechlorinated it like my local store said. Does this lead to high phosphate? I have a 20W light. Is this too little? What light would you recommend? Is there anything that will eat / get rid of this stuff? CodeRed
  8. codered

    Please Help - Strange growth in new tank...

    Here is a picture of the growth...
  9. codered

    Please Help - Strange growth in new tank...

    I have this strange growth in my newly established marine tank. It is a salmon pink to rust red growth that covers the substrate and occasionally has long, red strings. It is spreading very rapidly... as in, it covers about 1/5 of my aquarium floor, and I just noticed it a week ago. What is...
  10. codered

    High nitrite... will shrimp be harmed?

    I just added more live rock to my tank. After a week, the weirdest thing has happened... the NH3 and NH4 are near perfect, but the nitrite shot back up. I had added a pepermint shrimp. Do you think it will be ok? What should I do? Are pepermint shrimps hardy? (35 Gallon Tank, 50 lbs Liverock...
  11. codered

    Can a starfish live with...

    Can a starfish (chocolate chip) live with pepermint shrimp? What about clownfish? Snails? Also, question about the pepermint shrimp. Are they difficult to maintain? I'm currently cycling. CodeRed
  12. codered

    Help Setting Up 30 Gallon

    I have a thirty gallon aquarium set up. I've had it for three weeks. I have good lighting, filtration, and temperature control. I have two damsels in it to cycle. I have no liverock. Here's my question: I keep getting low NH3 and NH4 readings (less than .25 PPM). However, my nitrite levels...