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  1. legend

    I Love Shrimp

    You should put the CBS in the fuge and get rid of the camal shrimp.
  2. legend

    Mom wants me to get rid of tank b.c she thinks its causing mold

    Kelly thanks for that post... you my friend are a [hr] as well. You know nothing about me and how much that i do for my keep your comments in your mouth. Spoiled huh? Everything i have i got myself. The tank is already down.... I didnt even bother reading all of your post...
  3. legend

    Mom wants me to get rid of tank b.c she thinks its causing mold

    Yeah the battle is lost. My mom is a a b@tch to say overright. I have been such a good son to her for the past 21 years and she repays me like this..... Whatever though, guess this will make me want to get out on my own even faster now. Thanks for the help on info everything Its a great...
  4. legend

    Mom wants me to get rid of tank b.c she thinks its causing mold

    I really let her have it...i felt bad afterwards but i mean damn..what the hell. Thats like asking someone to give up there kid. Ive have fishtanks for the past 9 years....the question of mold has never been brought up. She also acts like by me keeping the tank running its like im killing...
  5. legend

    Mom wants me to get rid of tank b.c she thinks its causing mold

    Blemmy_Guy thanks for that link man
  6. legend

    Mom wants me to get rid of tank b.c she thinks its causing mold

    Thanks for everyones sympathy about my father....he passed away do to cancer. He was 56 and a big part of my life. so basically back to the fish..... i should be a man and stop this hobby for the time being to ease my moms mind? Also i just bought a yorkie puppy on friday....this puppy is...
  7. legend

    Mom wants me to get rid of tank b.c she thinks its causing mold

    she said mold is going to give her emphysema....i feel like im killing her if i keep this tank running. I mean this tank is a sweet tank....awesome xenia, yumas, huge hammer...two perfect true perculas clowns. GSP's coving all over the tank and unique pink leather, cool zoos I just feel bad...
  8. legend

    Mom wants me to get rid of tank b.c she thinks its causing mold

    I couldnt be anymore pi$$ed right now. I dont want to be selfish but this tank is like my only happiness. I love this reef tank and it would break my heart taking it down and no having any fish tank. My mom wants me to get rid of it because she thinks its causing mold in the house. I tell...
  9. legend

    Which hood would be better for ricordia yumas?

    how many vho's are you running and over what size tank?
  10. legend

    Which hood would be better for ricordia yumas?

    The tank is a 20g tank, not sure if i should stay with the 130watt hood or should i upgrade to the 150w VHO? If i did upgrade my old 130watt PC hood would go over my fuge...if i dont upgrade im going to put a 65w PC over the fuge. Any comments Thanks! John
  11. legend

    attaching a sump/fuge to an existing tank

    Ive had my 20g reef tank setup for awhile now without a sump/fuge. I built a sump/fuge for this aquarium..its another 20g tank. So its a 20g reef with a 20g sump/fuge. I have the sump all setup already with live sand, some rock and a 130w pc over it. All i need to do is get a return pump and...
  12. legend

    I Love Shrimp

    shrimps are a pain....its so hard to spot feed your corals if you have shrimp in your tank. One shrimp in my tank is more then enough.
  13. legend

    mandarin question

    i really lucked out with my mandarin.....he accepts all foods, flake, frozen brine, live brine, mysis shrimp and feeds off the LR. He's been in my 20g tank for a while now and he's chubby as ever. I also thought he had ick on him at one time, but i realized it was only sand. Becareful about...
  14. legend

    Im officially bored with reef...

    discus are great fish...i had a 90g tank with 7 of them in there...just them with tons of plants. No need for tetras, they just bring disease into the tank. What i did have with them was a freshwater stingray. Very cool i might add!! Really added a lot to the tank. Pigeon bloods and the...
  15. legend

    New 75g in-wall Reef

    .looks to be partially if not fully cured How can you tell if your LR is cured or not cured yet?
  16. legend

    Florida Ricordia vs. Yuma Ricordia?

    So i should keep my florida ricordia away from my yumas....also bang guy which do you like better? Thanks for the help
  17. legend

    Florida Ricordia vs. Yuma Ricordia?

    I'm confused on how to tell the different.....i also heard that florida rics will sting yumas if its placed near it. I'm in the middle of making a ricordia bed so i would like to keep my ricordia healthy. Some of my ricorida have a more uniform shape while others, the ones i think are my...
  18. legend

    Hey's his worm!!!!!!!!

    it could have been could have been living inside him inside of his tank. lol
  19. legend

    Help with encrusting gorgonian

    It does look like a GSP's mat though....if it bothers you break that piece off, its on a small enough part of the rock. Awesome zoos man...really unqiue lookin'
  20. legend

    8 mo. old - 150G Reef

    Hey, thats awesome. Don't know many people that are into the hobby around here. If interested, I'm trying to pass on some corals. Mushrooms, Colt, etc. That would be cool dude...i have some ricordia yumas i could pass on.... none of my friends are into reefs either. Anyway your setup is sweet...