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  1. coachb

    attatch flex hose with?

    need some help, what do I attatch flex hose to bulkhead with? lfs said pvc glue. What if it ever needs chaging, you whould have to cut apart blulkhead to remove.? also does flex hose get glued into top of wet dry filter lid. Thanks for the help I want to get this right. Just setting up 54 gal...
  2. coachb

    How 'old' are your fish?

    I had a clownfish for 11 years before he succumbed to what I believe was old age.
  3. coachb

    DIY sump help

    fshhub gave me a fine idea, i would like to do it. i understood the wet/dry system but not sure about a sump only set up. could someone explain what i would need and how to set it up for my 54 gal corner w/ overflow
  4. coachb

    corner tank, what filter

    oh, my fault. the corner stand has 28" sides but can only use about a 15"square on the inside of it due to the corner triangle shape
  5. coachb

    corner tank, what filter

    yeah the tank is cool, i was very bummed to have wet/dry not fit. yes i have overflow option. what exactly is the sump with no filter setup? thanks for the info you all have given me hope of getting this tank set up right
  6. coachb

    corner tank, what filter

    just got my 54 gal corner tank and stand. thanks to all you for help in answering my many questions. BUT, they sold me a Amiracle-100 filter, but it does not fit in the corner stand. does anybody know of any other options, or is there a smaller filter that might fit in the stand (it is a 28"...
  7. coachb

    Best LR to order?

    gulf view rocks sounds good. would I have to cure it if i am just starting a new reef tank or can i put it in and let it cycle
  8. coachb

    Best LR to order?

    Looking for opinions on where to find good LR online. saw that several reccomend tbsaltwater, what about aquacon? any others worth a look? seems online stuff is much nicer looking than lfs. thanks
  9. coachb

    Best LR to order?

    Looking for opinions on where to find good LR online. saw that several reccomend tbsaltwater, what about aquacon? any others worth a look? seems online stuff is much nicer looking than lfs. thanks
  10. coachb

    sand vs. coral base?

    a combination of sand and coral sounds good, how does it look mixed togeher?
  11. coachb

    sand vs. coral base?

    IMO cc looks better and is likely the way I will go unless anyone has any terrible experiences or other problems
  12. coachb

    sand vs. coral base?

    DSB sounds like the way to go. I was told by lfs that sand does not allow the diversity of organisms that coral would because of sand size.
  13. coachb

    sand vs. coral base?

    conflicting advice on what to use for 54 gal reef tank. lfs says sand not the best but looking at this board sand seems to be preferred. why? how much sand or cc for this tank (54gal, 50# lr coming to start? any advice or opinions are appreciated
  14. coachb

    new tank, old water?

    thanks for the opinion. now the debate seems to be sand base vs. crushed coral, have heard reasonable explanations for both
  15. coachb

    new tank, old water?

    would like some advice as lfs give conflicting advice. Setting up new reef tank, 54 gal, will have 40# aragonite, 50# lr. Should I use water from my existing tank to help start the new tank? Also should I add some of the existing crushed coral to new set up? thanks for any comments
  16. coachb

    LR dieoff to cycle?

    thanks for the help. so new water is best for a new tank, don't use old water is that right?
  17. coachb

    LR dieoff to cycle?

    Starting a new 54 Gal reef tank. If I start with nice live rock will the cycling process kill off all the critters in and on the rocks? Also should I use water from my existing established tank to start the new tank. Any opinions and suggestions would help. Thanks