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  1. jazztap10

    House passed the Health Bill

    Hi from Canada I don't know very much about the details of the bill that passed for you guys. I just wanted to say, if it's anything like what we have, then congrats! We are lucky enough to be able to focus on getting well when we're hospitalized instead of panicking about money. We also focus...
  2. jazztap10

    Something wrong with my leather...

    So a couple days ago I noticed that my leather had a teeny hole in it. The rest of it looked really really healthy, so I just assumed it was fine. This morning i took a look at it and there is this orangy brown...stuff... growing on it. Anyone have any idea what it is? The lights haven't come on...
  3. jazztap10

    I think i saw a snail..umm...

    So I have this creepy looking snail, which I found on this forum to be harmless. I don't remember what the actual name of the snail is. It usually hides all day in rocks, then comes out at night. Anywho, this morning I was sitting staring at my tank and I saw him creep out of his rock, and I...
  4. jazztap10

    Weird white lump on my new zoa frag

    That crossed my mind as well. Those pictures were taken about 15 seconds after I added them to the tank. Now they're already starting to open up, even the ones right beside this white thing...they don't seem to be bothered by it. Should I just ignore it?
  5. jazztap10

    Weird white lump on my new zoa frag

    Title says it all. I just got a new frag this morning, and there's a weird white lumpy thing on it. It's super hard, and won't budge at all. It also persisted through a freshwater dip. I tried to snap a pic of it, but it's kind of hard to see. Any thoughts?
  6. jazztap10

    What the heck are these thingys...

    Wow you guys are fast! Just reached in and poked some..they're definitely really hard. I actually applied quite a bit of pressure to one and it didn't get squashed (I'm actually a little impressed...) If they are snail babies... I sure wish my snails would quit reproducing; these things are...
  7. jazztap10

    What the heck are these thingys...

    So I have clusters of these things on the glass and rocks of my tank. I thought at first that maybe they were baby snails, but they haven't moved at all. They're white on the outside, and have a yellowish beige-ish center. Any ideas?
  8. jazztap10

    Frogspawn question?

    great! thanks for the info guys!
  9. jazztap10

    Frogspawn question?

    So, this weekend I'm planning to get my very first LPS (hurrah!) and I'm nervous! I was wondering, can you have two different frogspawns beside each other without chemical warfare occuring? If yes, what about a frogspawn beside a torch or a hammer, since they are the same family?
  10. jazztap10

    Specific Grav and temp

    Okay, thanks!
  11. jazztap10

    Specific Grav and temp

    Okay, if I'm supposed to be looking at salinity, what salinity am I going for? Also, how come everyone refers to specific gravity when discussing hyposalinity, when the use of a refractometer is crucial? Thanks!
  12. jazztap10

    Specific Grav and temp

    I'll check the manual when I get home about the ATC. Thanks for posting the table!!
  13. jazztap10

    Specific Grav and temp

    So it occurred to me that I should have to adjust the measurement I get for specific gravity from my refractometer at room temp for 80 degrees (tank temp). Specific gravity changes with temperature right? I haven't been able to find any conversion charts for it. Any ideas?
  14. jazztap10

    putting them back into the wild

    I agree with Cran. Most likely, the fish will die, since its (probably) the wrong part of the ocean. Secondly, adding a foreign animal to a fully developed ecosystem can have SERIOUS and terrible effects. We're dealing with that problem right now where i live, because frogs from south Africa...
  15. jazztap10

    speaking of lucky to be near the beach...

    if the water was collected at low tide shouldn't it be quite low in nitrates? maybe not if it was obtained during high tide, since there is so much decay on the intertidal zone from a day in the sun.
  16. jazztap10

    Sick Bangaii!

    I should also point out he seemed to be acting funny last night. Very lethargic. Then this morning it was way worse with him actually 'sitting' on the bottom. Also he's not laying on his side, just resting upright.
  17. jazztap10

    Sick Bangaii!

    I posted this somewhere else and couldnt figure out how to move it. So, I just copy/paste: So one of my two new tank raised bangaiis (in quarantine) looks like he's dying. He's swimming just barely over the sand and every once in a while he kind of 'sits down'. The other guy is swimming around...
  18. jazztap10

    Sick fishy :(

    Don't know how to move it, hahah sorry. Yeah I fed them garlic food from day 1, but he's not even interested in food now.
  19. jazztap10

    Sick fishy :(

    So one of my two new tank raised bangaiis (in quarantine) looks like he's dying. He's swimming just barely over the sand and every once in a while he kind of 'sits down'. The other guy is swimming around happy as can be. They both ate for the first two days, but now the sick one wont eat. He has...
  20. jazztap10

    Turning HOB filter into fuge?

    Hi! I've read a lot of people say that biowheels in HOB filters are bad and that you should remove them. Can I take the biowheel out and turn the filter into a fuge? Grow chaeto in there or something? Sry I'm at work so I dont have the brand/type of filter