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  1. itwasntme159

    green carpet died

    the tank has been set up since jan. im running dual power compacts, i was talking to one of my friends and he said it might have been my lighting. and no i havent tested my iodine but im getting my water checked tomarrow with a complete coral life test kit. anyways what should my salinity be?
  2. itwasntme159

    green carpet died

    I bought a green carpet 2 weeks ago it was good in color, like highlighter green. I was feeding it every 3 days.. it was eating well and then tuesday it just stoped eating so i just let it be. then last night it was tearing on one side and looked almost like it was splitting but when i woke up...
  3. itwasntme159

    Want to Buy a Large Tank

    yea i just moved from summerfield...its like 5 min outside greensboro... anyways i had a 150 i just got rid of down there too bad...anyways try craigs list, usually people there are reasonable and will work with you on shiping
  4. itwasntme159

    clowns with diseases?

    i work at a lps and we usually have some pretty decent stuff in and for some reason we cant get any more percs or false percs anymore because aparently there is a disease that is sweeping through alot of these fish? is this true? anyways im looking for a pair of perc (male and female) that are...
  5. itwasntme159

    troubles with 29 bio

    i work at a local pet store and i have a 29 bio cube and ever since i bought it ive had nothing but problems with it. the first problem is that the water overflows in the back of it so its not even getting filtered and its super loud during the night (its in my room) the next problem is that...
  6. itwasntme159

    hydor-flo in their bio-cube?

    Originally Posted by nmertz1 does anyone have one of these? how do they work? PICS! yea i work at a local pet store and i have a 29 bio and picked one of these up... i just took it out of my tank cause im having some issues but as soon as i figure some stuff out its going back in.... anyways...