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  1. jenningsxxx

    Carbon Added, Fish acting weird

    If you can't run a skimmer, then you will need to do 20 - 30% water changes at least once a week. That should help. Don't miss a week!
  2. jenningsxxx

    Carbon Added, Fish acting weird

    Do you run a skimmer?
  3. jenningsxxx

    Emperor Angelfish

    Flukes? It does look like what killed him. Do you know if it gives them digestive problems? This fish always looked a little bloated
  4. jenningsxxx

    Emperor Angelfish

    Thanks for the replies! Unfortunately I came home from work to find the Emperor was dead. This fish never looked healthy from the day I got it. I may have been feeding it the wrong food. Whatever it was, I hate to see it go like that. Thanks for the info, I will defiantly use it in the future.
  5. jenningsxxx

    Emperor Angelfish

    Thanks for the quick replies! Here is some history on the tank: It is a 110 in-wall tall, about 1 1/2 years old with SPS, LPS and a few softies. I run a Sulfur De nitrifier that keeps my nitrates at zero. I run a large skimmer and phosphate reactor. I also have a 30 gallon refuge with 6" of Fiji...
  6. jenningsxxx

    Emperor Angelfish

    Can someone please take a look at this fish. He does not look quite right. His upper and lower body looks like it is swollen. This stated about a week ago. The fish is still eating good, but is not very active Any comments would be appreciated.
  7. jenningsxxx


    Read a book, DF
  8. jenningsxxx

    HELP! My Hippo is eating my Pocillopora damicornis Coral

    Agree, it is not your hippo
  9. jenningsxxx


    I took some rock out; it feels soft and hairy, but I can't scrap it off with my finger nails.
  10. jenningsxxx


    I took some rock out; it feels soft and hairy, but I can not crap it off with my finger nails. It's almost like a root. here is a close up pic
  11. jenningsxxx


    Can anyone tell me what kind of algae this is? It almost looks like red hair algea. It only started after I add my new 300w LED lights. MY water is perfect. 0 nitrates 0 phosphates.
  12. jenningsxxx

    what is the height of your lights

    300w LED 8", LED's don't let off much heat.
  13. jenningsxxx

    Is this TOO MUCH Brown Algae??

    Originally Posted by lbell6 Do you mean no damsels during cycling or no damsels at all. The only one I was looking at was the Javanese Damsel. BY far (in my opinion) the coolest looking damsel. Will try to get LR ASAP especially during cycling. Changed media in phosreactor to just seachem...
  14. jenningsxxx

    Is this TOO MUCH Brown Algae??

    From your pictures, it looks less then 70lbs of rock. I would add another 50 to 70 lbs. It is good to have 1 1/2 to 2 lbs per gallon. You can add it all at one time as long as it is fully cured. I would add it while the tank is cycling. Make sure you check the rock for unwanted pests before you...
  15. jenningsxxx

    Is this TOO MUCH Brown Algae??

    To answer some of you questions: 1. 1. SHould I have lights on during cycling? Light setup is Current USA Outer Orbit 2x250w HQI-MH (NOT CHEAP) (does not matter, The tank will cycle with or with out them) 2. Should I have the skimmer on? 1st 3 days filled bout half the cup hasn't done anything...
  16. jenningsxxx

    I'm failing with corals, time to give up?

    I got a bubble and a leather in my 110 36" deep and they almost died under 2 175 MH, after I added a 400MH and two T5's they came back in no time. Upgrade your lights and that should take care of your problem. I attached a before and after picture.