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  1. patrickwebb

    electric shock w/pics what should i do?-meter reading 41 volts

    29--like it shows in the picture
  2. patrickwebb

    electric shock w/pics what should i do?-meter reading 41 volts

    sure did----thats not the problem, unless my setting on my multimeter is incorrect when i did me testing but im sure its not i have a close up picture to show what setting i have it on
  3. patrickwebb

    electric shock w/pics what should i do?-meter reading 41 volts

    It is!!! and the single readings are what my equipment is doing by itself!
  4. patrickwebb

    electric shock w/pics what should i do?-meter reading 41 volts

    heres how it goes, i have a 20 gallon tall tank that ive been trying to add fish to, however they keep die-ng and i cant keep any fish alive in there, I am new and rule number one is "dont buy any fish, untill you have your equipment"---so i bought a total number of four percula clowns, and...
  5. patrickwebb

    live rock---help---please

    the tank has been running for a little over a year-i bought it from a guy-from good old craigslist--he lived rite down the street from me, and when i bought the tank ha said that it was running for about a year-however his salt level was a bit high i ended up getting that down over a period of...
  6. patrickwebb

    live rock---help---please

    yeah theres nothing in my tank-im gonna go pick up some more live rock tonite--how long do you think i should let it cycle? i am new to the game, if you couldnt tell allready!
  7. patrickwebb

    live rock---help---please

    can i put half of it in my tank and buy another 10 lbs because i only have a 20 gallon tall tank, add them in and let it sit? and sit for how long??
  8. patrickwebb

    live rock---help---please

    ok so i took all my live rock out and put it in a sealed cooler w/no light or heat for about seven days---the water had become stagnant and the water/rocks smelled really bad-i just rinsed them with water from a water change and put them back in there-the green and purple colors on the rocks...
  9. patrickwebb

    what happened

    thanks dude,,,, you are the mayne around here it looks like!!
  10. patrickwebb

    what happened

    what...............nobody knows?
  11. patrickwebb

    what happened

    what about boiling the rocks----?? can i do this to get ride of them [hr]
  12. patrickwebb

    what happened

    one more question---i didnt have a power head---do i need one?
  13. patrickwebb

    what happened

    can i just boil the rocks and use the water from a water change?
  14. patrickwebb

    what happened

    thanks for the help should i let my tank run a couple days befor thinking about testing it after i put my rock in---do you think that no light getting to these rock will kill the aiptsia-or do i have to boil them? thanks all you guys for helping me!!!!!!!!! i love this place
  15. patrickwebb

    what happened

    ive had my live rock in a cooler that has not been heated and it has the lid on so its dark, will this hurt me? i have just a floresent bulb so its not like it can grow anything, the rocks are sumerged in the water i used to do my last water change, should i just buy new ones? they had...
  16. patrickwebb

    what happened

    yeah thats how it went---im gonna get you guys the numbers tonite- thanks for the help!
  17. patrickwebb

    what happened

    hi there, i had one percula clown living in my tank for about 3 weeks, because one of them died, anyways i went to the lfs and bought two more and a black damsel-did the acumilation process on them for two and a half hours then put them in, they were all fine went to sleep then woke up...