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  1. droth335

    with lion fish

    I have a volitan in a 180 reef (mostly LPS) with a Naso and Chocolate tangs and a Blue Chin and Pink Tail Triggers. I've got about 130 lb of live rock so there is ample hiding places. Have had no compatability issues thus far. The lion is currently about 9" long is very tame (loves to be hand...
  2. droth335

    coral banded shrimp

    Have had my CBS for about 1.5 problems. Kind of a cool inhabitant, hand feed it bits of krill etc...Never seems to bother coral or other tankmates.
  3. droth335

    Super Glue Gel?

    Try Walmart or any other store that carriers regular super glue - it is fairly easy to find. Good luck.
  4. droth335

    Such thing as "cheap" base rock?

    Here's the link to Hi rocks....I've bought from them for base rock for both my 125 & my 180 and have been pleased. Economical way to get base rock and it gets "live" in your tank. Sorry no links policy
  5. droth335

    Quick QT Poll and ?

    I keep a 20 gal QT running all the time...just in case. I do have a 8'X12' fishroom behind an in-wall 180 so space is not a constraint. My QT is a very simple setup with just 2 sponge filters running and I do keep a few hermits & snails in there which I remove if going to medicate or hypo.
  6. droth335

    QT Tank

    One way to minimize (eliminate?) the cycle is to not only use water from your established tank but also have your filter for the QT established in your main tank. I do this by having my sponge filters (I use 2 in my QT) for the QT in a chamber in my sump of the main tank. I believe this keeps...
  7. droth335

    Bristle worm stings

    I have bristleworms (including a huge one that I periodically feed a piece of krill) along with a clam and have had no problems thus far...
  8. droth335

    180 FOWLR Aggressive Stocking Suggestions

    I currently have a 125 reef and am planning a 180 aggressive FOWLR (tank is currently in the garage anxiously awaiting a remodeling project in the basement!). I am currently thinking of adding about 5 or 6 fish - something along these lines: - Lionfish - Porcupine puffer - Niger trigger -...
  9. droth335

    A sea apple for father's day...

    All, thanks for all the input. I do appreciate it. sammystingray - I have the following fish in the 125: - coral bueaty - royal gramma - black & white heniochus (2) - scooter blenny - percula clown (2) - 6 line wrasse - green chromis (3) - Assorted cleanup crew (hermits, snails, 2 brittle...
  10. droth335

    A sea apple for father's day...

    That's the dilemma. My kids gave me a sea apple for my 125 marine tank (fish & inverts). I have always avoided those creatures who have the ability to decmiate a tank by releasing a toxin when/if they are stressed or die. I don't have any first hand experience with sea apples so I don't know...
  11. droth335

    Green CHromis not eating

    When I first got my green chromis they would only eat brine shrimp (frozen or live). Within a couple of weeks they started eating flake (would feed a small amount of brine to get them in feeding mode & then sneak in some flake). Now they will eat just about anything. Good luck with them.
  12. droth335

    New QT Tank

    I have 2 QT tanks (a long story!) one is a 20 gallon with a small powerfilter (penguin mini) for aeration & filtration along with some live rock (would have to remove to treat disease). The other is a 10 gallon with 2 sponge filters. They both work fine. Water parms are great and have had no...
  13. droth335

    "bump" on Black & White Heniochus Butterfly

    I've had them in QT a week and noticed the small bump about 4 days ago. The parms in QT are Ammonia & nitrite 0, nitrate 10. No agression from the other fish - they seem to be getting along fine. Both have good appetites and are eating well. I don't think the skin is broken - looks like...
  14. droth335

    "bump" on Black & White Heniochus Butterfly

    I have 2, 2" heniochus in QT and one of them has a bump on the dorsal fin where the long part of the fin meets the body. Looks to be under the skin. It is about the size of a large pin head and protrudes slightly. It has gotten slightly larger and turned from whitish to pinkish in the past 24...
  15. droth335

    ID Help plzzz... Featherduster?

    I believe it is an algae - although I'm a relative newbie so I can't tell you what kind. I had them in my tank - until I added the cleaning crew which promptly ate them.
  16. droth335

    A quarantine dilema

    Thanks for the feedback - the LFS is going to have them for a few days. One question: why the aversion to freshwater dip? I know I have seen mixed reviews on the benefits/concerns with them but thought they were to help reduce/eliminate the parasite load somewhat effectively? Also, what is...
  17. droth335

    A quarantine dilema

    I have been cycling my main tank - 125 gal with 180 lb of live rock for about 6 weeks. Have added a few snails, hermits etc but have not added any fish. My dilema is that I have also been cycling a quarantine tank for 4 weeks - the last 2-3 weeks with molly. I thought the tank had completed...
  18. droth335

    Quarantine "Cleaning crew"?

    I'm currently cycling a 125 with 180 lb LR and once the cycle is complete plan to add snails, hermits & ss starfish as a cleaning crew. Question: is it necessary/advisable to quarantine these guys as with fish or is that really not even needed? Not sure if they could introduce any diseases...