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  1. prune_tang


    wow what a grat pic go take some more great cam btw!
  2. prune_tang

    Just bought a digi Cam today Woot

    Great pics digis are awesome just keep taking pics. And trying new things with it best way to get to know a new cam
  3. prune_tang


    I was stuck at the pet shop all day and didnt get to see you rolling around on the floor... Life is not fair
  4. prune_tang

    Pet snakes/bites

    If they wont let go u can give em a lil dab of vinegar in the mouth or a lil bit of hand sanitizer. That always does the trick from 1.5 foot - 13 footers they hate the taste. Also next time try not to look so tasty and it wont try to eat u!
  5. prune_tang

    Jen's Nano! Its Up! Yay!

    What ya need to do is glue a small flashing light to his shell so you always know where he is
  6. prune_tang

    Cool picture

    yeah you just cant beat these new digis!
  7. prune_tang


    DVS is my gal pal
  8. prune_tang

    Jen's Nano! Its Up! Yay!

    looking awesome Jen! it's the best gift i've ever given im just as excited to see what you do with it next as you are. ps. poor pete he will be missed but he lived a great life and was cared for by a wonderfull person!
  9. prune_tang


    When your name is as leet as mine maybe u can score the top shelf ladies
  10. prune_tang

    Im Gettin' A Cube!

    Happy vday baby glad you liked it! The tank is looking sweet I can't wait to see what else you do with it keep those pics coming. And try not to stay up all night staring at it you need your rest to put all that sand in tomorrow lol ps are you sure that was a catfish???!!
  11. prune_tang

    Im Gettin' A Cube!

    wow you're lucky what a great guy!
  12. prune_tang

    Superbowl picks

    woooo go pats!!!!!!!!!!