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  1. chris009

    Hello, I was just wondering what the best lighting would be for a brain coral.

    It is a favia brain coral as far as I know. I have 2 250 watt HQI lights on my 90 gallon tank. I was wondering if this was too much lighting for this coral. I'm sure I can put it in a more shaded area of the tank. Thanks for your imput.
  2. chris009

    Is it possible for metal halide lighting to become dull?

    I just got a 250 watt HQI metal halide retro kit that came with a galaxy ballast, reflector, and phoenix 14k lamp. I got it about 2 weeks ago. It seems now that the lighting is starting to become less intense. Is this possible or are my eyes just adjusting to the intense light?
  3. chris009

    How to maintain a protein skimmer?

    I've noticed my skimmer is skimming as much. How do I clean it out to make it perform better? I have a coralife 220.
  4. chris009

    HOw long do metal halide lamps take to "break in"?

    I actually like the 14k alot. I may end up trying 20k later on down the road though :).
  5. chris009

    How to get xenia to attach to a rock?

    I have a smallpiece that my local dealer gave to me for 10 bucks. I was just wondering the best way to get it attached to some rock. Thanks.
  6. chris009

    HOw long do metal halide lamps take to "break in"?

    I was just wondering. I have 2 phoenix 14k bulbs. They seem to be very white with a small amount of blue in them.
  7. chris009

    Question about dosing kalk.

    I'm reading and it seems like the basic idea is to replace all evaporated water with kalk mix. So, suppose my tank loses 5 gallons of water a day. I would need to mix 5 gallons of kalk water to dose into the tank. Why can't I just dose 1 gallon of concentrated kalk water and add another 4...
  8. chris009

    My protein skimmer's water level isn't consistent.

    It isn't gurgling anymore.
  9. chris009

    My protein skimmer's water level isn't consistent.

    I just put a piece of tape over it and then raised the water level to the right spot since it dropped. The amount of air bubbles in the water seems to be the same.
  10. chris009

    My protein skimmer's water level isn't consistent.

    I don't know, let me go check... lol. I'm not talking about the tubing that comes out of the pump to give it air
  11. chris009

    My protein skimmer's water level isn't consistent.

    I tried covering up the hole on top of the tube where the water exits. THis just causes the water level to lower, but it also allows the water to excape at a constant rate.
  12. chris009

    My protein skimmer's water level isn't consistent.

    Do you mean that it flucuates that much during the day? Mine flucuates that much within a few minutes.
  13. chris009

    My protein skimmer's water level isn't consistent.

    I have a corallife 220, and the water level in the skimmer flucuates about +/- and inch. I believe the problem may be the fact that the water excaping the skimmer isn't leaving in a consistent manner. Oxygen bubbles sometimes burst out of the escape, causing the level to lower. Is there...
  14. chris009

    Are there any additives for corals that increase the coloration?

    I've heard that there are additives such as zeovit and probio that make the coloration of corals much better. Does anyone have any experience with such products? Is there a cheaper additive that will have the same results?
  15. chris009

    Looking for some nice corals in the arkansas area or that can be shipped.

    I just started my reef tank and wanted to get some nice corals in it now that everything is cycled. I really like LPS, SPS, leathers, Zoos, frogspawn(this may be a LPS? lol). I appreciate your time!
  16. chris009

    Can I keep a sailfin tang and a yellow tang in the same tank?

    I have a 90gallon reef setup going. I didn't know how hostile these fish would be to each other. Thanks
  17. chris009

    How long do diatom blooms usually last?

    All my parms at normal except nitrate which is slightly elevated. Was just wondering how long I would have to wait for this to be over. Thanks
  18. chris009

    Are there any other reasons that a fish will brush against rocks other than Ich?

    My blue tang is brushing against the rock constantly. I was wondering if it could be anything else.
  19. chris009

    Blue Hippo Tang is brushing against rock constantly, I think it has ich

    I can't really get a good glimpse of it, but I think there is a white spot on its left side above its eye. PLus, it is scratching against a rock and swimming only in a strong current. The strong current could help it get oxygen if it has ich. Anyone have any suggestions to help me ID ich?