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  1. chris009

    Does T5 lighting look better than MH with T5 or VHO supplement?

    Another questions as well. Is it possible for me to keep high light coral/inverts with a 8 bulb, 54 watt T5 TEK fixture? I'm finding that figuring out what type of lighting to get is the hardest thing to make a decision on with information seeming to promote both as being better. One person...
  2. chris009

    Why is coralife not as efficient as an ASM skimmer?

    My salt water fish dealer is telling me that the Coralife 220 removes all of the organic waste from his tank. He told me that getting a better model isn't required. I am going to be getting a 90 gallon reef tank with a 39 gallon sump/refugium. Do I need to go with the better brand? If so...
  3. chris009

    Using a pine wood stand on a 90 gallon.

    Since pine is a soft wood, will using pine wood as a stand for my tank be a bad idea? Thanks
  4. chris009

    FewQuestions about Metal Halide lighting

    Is there a difference between single sided and double sided lights? Are all single sided lights called mogul lights? I am looking into getting two 250 watt lamps with everything but the bulbs. Is 500 dollars a reasonable price for this? Could I add extra color to my tanks by adding two VHO...
  5. chris009

    Is it okay to put a DSB in the sump?

    If the number of inches in the DSB is higher, does that allow more denitrification to take place? If this is true, then I assume it would be best to get a DSB of 5-6 inches in the sump for the best usage of the DSB.
  6. chris009

    Is it okay to put a DSB in the sump?

    Since my sump will probably be around 40 gallons( is this okay?), the amount of volume that the DSB has will be significantly less than if I put it in the upper tank. Will the decrease in volume decrease the benifit of a DSB?
  7. chris009

    Is it okay to put a DSB in the sump?

    I was wanting to do this because I want more space in my 90 gallon. I was just wondering if there is a problem with doing this. Thanks
  8. chris009

    About sand

    IS this the the type of sand that will work with my system? It says on the front not to use for aquariums. People are saying to use "southdown tropical play sand", which is no where to be bought on the internet. So would this be okay?
  9. chris009

    About sand

    I'm thinking about using a DSB in my 90 gallon reef tank. I remember a while back on some forum where people were talking about a cheap play sand that either does or does not dissolve in vinager that is the right kind of sand. My memory is fuzzy, but, with yalls help, I will figure out the...
  10. chris009

    Hi, I'm looking for some help setting up lighting for my 90 gallon reef.

    Although I have not decided between metal halide lighting or T5 lighting, I need to know the basics of how to set up lighting inside my hood. I have a hood that has the dimensions 48.5x18.5x11.5. This is how much space I have after subtracting the space the wood takes up. I think I know the...
  11. chris009

    I'm looking for a 48" t5 for a 75g tank.

    Anyone have a t5 system for sell?