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  1. jester805

    Skimmer Question

    I had a SeaClone 100 that was horrible! A few months ago I replaced it with an AquaC Remora Pro. I have been very happy with it. My only regret is that I didn't get the "Urchin" series. That one is made to sit inside a sump tank. The regular AquaC Remora is a Hang-on-Back skimmer.
  2. jester805

    Skimming for 24/7?

    I used to run mine 24/7 and just recently put it on a timer. I was having problems with micro bubbles after I added my sump. I realized that my skimmer was causing a lot of them. Now my skimmer only runs when my lights are off.
  3. jester805

    Sand Bed

    Originally Posted by Radiolotek Yeah I guess that would work cause I'm gonna add live sand. When I get done its gonna be a decent bed. What would you suggest I put in there to keep it clean or stirred up? I'm probably not the best person to ask because I have a sand-sifting sea star. It keeps...
  4. jester805

    IS it possible to drill your tank with water in it?

    Originally Posted by Kstater I was wondering if you can lower the level of water in your tank and then drill the upper regions of your tank and then go from there. Good question. I've always wondered that too.
  5. jester805

    Sand Bed

    Originally Posted by Radiolotek Lol. Should I vac my exsisting sand before adding more? Or just add untop of old sand. If it were me.....I would probably add the new sand, then try to mix the old & new with my hands. You could vacuum the sandbed before adding, but it probably won't do a whole lot.
  6. jester805

    Sand Bed

    I don't think it would cause any problems. How slow or fast you add it just depends on how cloudy you want it to be when you're done.
  7. jester805

    What causes this?

    Originally Posted by maxalmon I'm always amazed, I learn something everyday I agree with that! Good picture by the way. I have that same thing in my sand bed and always wondered what caused it.
  8. jester805

    Wet or Dry Skim

    Originally Posted by maxalmon Whats the best method, wet or dry skimming? or do they both work the same? Someone correct me if I'm wrong.....but doesn't wet skimming pull more water out?? Dry skimming isn't quite as effective because not as much water comes out. I have better luck getting...
  9. jester805

    Pics of the 200

    Wow. That's awesome!!
  10. jester805

    Live Rock Intro Suggestions

    Originally Posted by Nikkita Thanks for your advise, I basically was needing to make sure that once a tank is cycled...adding new live rock won't make it re-cycle. I have had a fish only tank for about 5 years but I am just starting to get into the reefs. So far so good, but I did not want to...
  11. jester805

    Nitrate frustration!! AAARGG!

    Originally Posted by kzoo They help lower them by breaking down waist. They live in your sand bed and live rock. The sand sifter star will die when he runs out of food. How long have you had him? Your problem is most likely do to over feeding or your water. I have had him for a few months. He...
  12. jester805

    Nitrate frustration!! AAARGG!

    Originally Posted by kzoo Take the sand sifter star out, he is eating your copapods. Do copepods affect nitrAtes???
  13. jester805

    Nitrate frustration!! AAARGG!

    Originally Posted by barkdog Are you using RO water? I've tested the water straight from my tap and found that it has nitrates. I've also heard that some brands of salt have nitrates. Yes, I am using RO water that's hooked up to my city tap water. I was thinking of changing salt brands, but...
  14. jester805

    Nitrate frustration!! AAARGG!

    Originally Posted by crazyreefnut some foods will have nitrates and phosphates in them to help preserve them. that is what i meant to say Can you suggest a different food that I should be using? I'm open for ideas on everything. The sad thing is....I'm actually pretty happy with my nitrAtes...
  15. jester805

    Nitrate frustration!! AAARGG!

    Originally Posted by crazyreefnut lets assume that everyone understands the nitrogen cycle. amonia,nitrites,nitrates OK so you have hi Nitrates so lets look closely at what causes amonia. Over feeding dead animals and poor water supply check for those. nitrates can also stay in a system that...
  16. jester805

    Nitrate frustration!! AAARGG!

    Thanks for the info guys. The "regular water changes" are 10% - 15% every Saturday. My water is really clear right now too. I should do half cube every day?? Or did you mean half cube every other day?? Just making sure that I understand. My tank gets turned over roughly 13 times per hour.Mag...
  17. jester805

    Nitrate frustration!! AAARGG!

    I've been fighting my nitrAtes for the past several months. When I first tested them, they were at 200 parts per million! Since then I've done regular water changes and slowed WAY down on my feeding. I also added a sump. Here's what I currently have:75g display tank 20g sump tank 60...
  18. jester805

    Added 2nd fuge to setup opinions?

    Originally Posted by quads4_lif well that skimmer is a piece of junk because I have had it up and going since 01/20/06 and it has never had any foam in the cup or even in the tube inside of the cup. I am thinking about getting a remora or urchin to replace it. What skimmer is that? Looks...
  19. jester805

    Question about tank size + sump

    Originally Posted by ReefNut Depends on the situation but here you would have to go by the display only. Tangs need room to swim... personally I'd have to say a minimum of a 6' tank regardless of how many gallons it holds. Thanks for the info. I thought it would probably go by swimming room...
  20. jester805

    Question about tank size + sump

    I would like to get a Powder Blue Tang, but I've read that they need 100 gallons. I have a 75 gallon display tank with a 20 gallon tank. When a tank size is recommended, do you only look at the size of your DT? Or can you add in a sump / fuge if you have it? For example, I have 75 DT + 20...