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  1. newtoit

    new pics of my 40 breeder (7months)

    and more
  2. newtoit

    new pics of my 40 breeder (7months)

    and the rest
  3. newtoit

    new pics of my 40 breeder (7months)

    I had to reaquascape my tank to get my yellow tang out to make room for my new tang
  4. newtoit

    what do you do for work?

    Originally Posted by reefkprZ I am a wood butcher, I hack up wood and nail it together in unique shapes here is some pics of one of the projects i am working on now. hammond and viking?? any ebs?? or rhodes?
  5. newtoit

    what do you do for work?

    Originally Posted by Anonome I'm a dental assistant for a large scale, state of the art, cosmetic dental office, 23 yrs. Need your teeth whitened? how bout fixed?
  6. newtoit

    Obama's Communist/Marxist ties

    and this is why I do not allow talk of politics and religon in my house lol
  7. newtoit

    what do you do for work?

    Originally Posted by nacl freak I'm A NICU nurse. women like you save my sons life when he was born jus under 4 lbs
  8. newtoit

    what do you do for work?

    I am a self employed roofer/contractor
  9. newtoit

    Obama's Communist/Marxist ties

    Originally Posted by oscardeuce There is no recession, infact the economy grew a bit last quater. School shootings can be traced more to the "great society" programs the democrats have been feeding the masses for the last 60 years. Look how well our poor are doing with the trillions spent on...
  10. newtoit

    Obama's Communist/Marxist ties

    he is who I plan to vote for how could he possibly do any worse
  11. newtoit

    Obama's Communist/Marxist ties

    Originally Posted by Crashbandicoot Its worked fine for me . I am alive, I have a roof over my head ,food in my belly . I have a wonderful girlfriend and 2 awesome kids . and a recession and an economy in the dumps school shootings need I continue?
  12. newtoit

    What is the weirdest fruit that you love?

    my lil brother yeah he is fruity but I Love him
  13. newtoit

    Obama's Communist/Marxist ties

    so what!!!!!! like what we have had for the last 8 years has work so well for us
  14. newtoit

    Six second rant

    Originally Posted by Crashbandicoot They said it was coming on the news . . . But I was really hoping it wouldn't . If you explain your beliefes and try to share them your pushy . But if somebody that doesn't believe in god shares their beliefs and is adament about the fact that god does not...
  15. newtoit

    Six second rant

    If you explain your beliefes and try to share them your pushy . But if somebody that doesn't believe in god shares their beliefs and is adament about the fact that god does not exist . That person is only being a realist . I don't get it ? Just keep the faith and let the nonbelivers say what...
  16. newtoit

    mags for sale

    let me talk to the g/f she wants to add a sump and I think the 5 would be perfect
  17. newtoit

    40 breeder setup pictures

    re-aquascaped my tank the other day well I did it to get that tang out new pics coming soon
  18. newtoit

    ATTN newtoit

    Originally Posted by reefkprZ the tang is getting along fine with everyone, he's even pushing my harlequin bass around a little trying to snipe food. he is ballsy I will give him that
  19. newtoit

    ATTN newtoit

    same here man I can at some point hows the lil yellow basta.. doin?
  20. newtoit

    Six second rant

    Originally Posted by Crashbandicoot Blocks away far out of distance for any other sound to be recognized you can hear it coming . Ding ding ding ding da ding ging ding ding da ding ding ding ding . You hit the window searching the horizons . But alas its stil blocks away . Like a dog waiting...