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  1. stonedage

    stock my 6

    pppppffffffftttttttttt(the sound of my little bubble deflating)....So you are saying take the star back to the shop in snuck away from when i go to get my fish then? Ok no frogspawn then. But the ricordeas, they are ok right? And definitely zoos are coming. I must ask 1 thing though....How...
  2. stonedage

    stock my 6

    Catawaba-I am trying to do that and this site is helping but i see so much tiny stuff in there and i dont know whats what and some i only see in a fleeting moment. I added the rock in the first week of Jan. and today is the first day that i saw the bristle worm. SA
  3. stonedage

    stock my 6

    so a pair of sexy shrimp would be ok to throw into the mix, no probs with the cleaner? The star came with the LR and apparently so did a fire worm( hes only 1" long and only seen him twice, therefore the star could easily be replaced it it becomes a prob. Thanx SA
  4. stonedage

    stock my 6

    I love frog spawn!!!! And Ricordeas as well. sexy shrimp im curious about. Will they be fine alnong with what is currently in my tank? would 1 or 2 be better? And you think that a perc clown will be fine in this size tank? thanx SA
  5. stonedage

    stock my 6

    bill-im not sure if you sugggested bennys thinking i want something that sits around....i dont if that is what you were thinking. I want something active that will be good to watch SA
  6. stonedage

    stock my 6

    this mornings find........1-1 1/2" bristle worm. I just cant believe how much keeps appearing in this little tank SA
  7. stonedage

    stock my 6

    dont gobys just kinda stick close to bottom and caves where as clowns swim about more? I was thinking i would get a small one and if and when it gets to be about 1.5-2" i would trade it off on another at the FS. I do appreciate your opinion though and will spend some more time trying to find...
  8. stonedage

    how do i use frozen brine shrimp?

    I was at the LPS and asked what i should be feeding my brittle star and the guy there said he uses frozen brine shrimp, so i bought a package. Its alot of 1/2" cubes so when i got home i thawed a part(1/4) of one is some salt water and then dumped that into the tank, well there were hundreds of...
  9. stonedage

    stock my 6

    thanx for the reply, ive added 2 blue leg hermits, 2 scarlet, 1 cleaner shrimp and 3 snails, there is also a brittle star, 3 tiny snails and some other unID'ed critters that came with the LR, something I saw last night was a small very fast round flat thing, i mean very fast. It came out of a...
  10. stonedage

    brittle star stow-away

    well the brown in the front is almost all gone, i added a cleaner shrimp, 2 blue leg hermits, 2 scarlet hermits, 3 turbo snails. Still all sorts of unknown "things" swimming or scooting about. Im gunna have to get some kind of book to ID everything im seeing in there, i have no clue what is...
  11. stonedage

    Oh Canada, Canadian eh?

    good day eh! hello from the great white north, im from woodstock ontario, but usually go to london to aquarium services warehouse (a partner of big Als). thats aboot it for now eh SA
  12. stonedage

    stock my 6

    how would you stock a six gallon tank?
  13. stonedage

    brittle star stow-away

    oh really? that sux!! I was hoping that it had such large voids that it would harbour benificial bacteria but if it will just cause probs i will get rid of it ASAP(wish the guy at the LFS would have told me this since he new what i was doing). WHat about the cleaning crew? how about the...
  14. stonedage

    brittle star stow-away

    This is a pic from a few moments ago, you can see all of the brown in the front, the star in in the lower right hiding under the rock, in a spot he goes all the time when the light is on. Im new to all this so i really dont know what the good and bad colours are as far as algae goes. thanx SA
  15. stonedage

    brittle star stow-away

    sorry still looking for advise here SA
  16. stonedage

    New 120 Need Advice Have Pics

    can i suggest that it does look like a great wall, but you should get it off of the glass for sure, creates dead spots and very hard to reach and clean areas SA
  17. stonedage

    brittle star stow-away

    well its been two weeks now and the star is just fine, his injured limbs are growing back and he is moving all over when ever the light is off. I have a bunch of brown algae on the front of the tank where the current from the filter deflects at least that is where it is thickest. Ive found...
  18. stonedage

    Laguna master test kit help

    I have a laguna master test kit made for ponds that i bought in the summer time, is it the same test equipent that would be needed to test saltwater? it contains ph, ammonia, nitrite/nitrate, and hardness. thanx SA
  19. stonedage

    brittle star stow-away

    well then i think if i follow everyones advise Ill just let it be for now and if he makes it Ill try and figure out what im going to do with her. (wasnt something on my want on my reef list if ya know what i mean). Im going to wait until sunday to turn on the light if it isnt harmfull to the...
  20. stonedage

    brittle star stow-away

    its brown, got some light and darker spots, realy spiny, id say its about 4" maybe storted now that the tips of some of its arms got lopped off in the rough move. Lights on now? 12 hours? Thanx for the fast replys BTW SA