Search results

  1. grallster

    longest living fish

    2 groupers: a six-line I've had for 8 yrs. a flag tail I've had for 7 yrs.
  2. grallster

    Fish Selection

    Hi everyone! I'm setting up a 75 gal reef and I'm not really ready for fish yet--but I'm thinking ahead :) Here's what fish I want to keep: 2 tank raised false perculas tank raised orchid/sunrise dottyback (can't decide) six-line wrasse purple tang dwarf angel (I doubt this will end up...
  3. grallster

    New zoos

  4. grallster

    This weeks version of NMReefs 6-pak...

    NM Are there any aggression issues between the shrooms and the zoo's being so close together?
  5. grallster

    foods that dont contain phosphates

    If a food has NO phosphate--it wouldn't provide much nutrition for the fish. I think the best you could hope for is a LOW phosphate food.
  6. grallster

    1" Drain Capacity

  7. grallster

    1" Drain Capacity

    I've got an All Glass twin flow overflow with a 1" drain. Currently, I use a Mag 9.5 return pump at 3 1/2' head and 4 90 degree elbows. I'm guessing that this is giving me somewhere around 700 gph return from my 20 gal. sump. I would like to run an Iwaki 30 RLT through a SCWD device from my...
  8. grallster

    Baffled by baffles

    Will someone help me design a baffle near my return pump to help prevent bubbles from getting into my tank? Should the top of it be slightly above the surface of the sump water, or slightly below? Will I have to make a tight silicon seal around the edges? I hope not, seeing as I had to put my...
  9. grallster

    Looking for LFS in Indiana??

    There is none in the South Bend area--that's for sure!
  10. grallster

    Clown Sweetlips pics and feeding?

    You're eventually gonna need a larger tank than that 55 gal. if that is what it is in.
  11. grallster

    Where to put Overflow in New tank?

    This is the idea that I had and then chickened out. I was going to drill 2 holes in the middle of the tank--one drain and one return. I was then going to cover the holes with a pre-assembled, 4 sided, glass box that would extend to 1/4 inch or so under the water level (I say glass because if...
  12. grallster

    AGA Twin Flow ?

    Yes, the drain is at the opposite side of the sump as the pump. I changed the drain to come out right at the water level in the sump and it seems to work a little better. I will try to add a baffle near the pump and will add the elbow at the return pump. Thanks, Dave
  13. grallster

    AGA Twin Flow ?

    I'm setting up a 75 gal twin flow overfow reef, and I ran the drain line straight down to underneath the water level in the sump. I did this in hopes to minimize splashing and bubbles in the sump. Well, I think the idea backfired because there seems to be alot of bubbles making it back into...
  14. grallster

    QT the first fish?

  15. grallster

    QT the first fish?

    I am almost ready to add the first fish to my system. It will probably be a pair of percula clowns. Is it ok to not quarantine the first fish to a new system if no other fish are added for a month or so? Plus, the clowns would be captive raised.
  16. grallster

    Corals that 'glow'

  17. grallster

    Corals that 'glow'

    Sorry for my stupidity, but what does GSP stand for?
  18. grallster

    QT tank

    I'm starting a new tank and I want to know if a 10 gal tank is big enough to quarantine most fish. I'm probably not going to purchase any fish that is more than 2" long. Also, should i prohlyacticaly treat new fish? If so, what treatment should I use? Thanks, Dave
  19. grallster

    Coral questions

    I agree with the choice of Sprung's book. Not a whole lot of in depth info, but it's one of the few books I've found that actually has bar graphs on how much light and water flow the corals require, and also a hardiness bar graph and tank placement charts. Plus, the phonetic spellings are nice...
  20. grallster

    reef tank in it's infancy

    Well I went out and got all of the materials to start my plenum. Hope to have it up and functioning ASAP, and I will keep you all informed as to the results. Thanks, Dave