foods that dont contain phosphates


Just wondering if anyone knows of foods that have and dont have phosphates for marine fish pellets flake etc I use tetra pellets but fear phosphates and water fowling
I don't know if this helps at all, but I feed my fish a little ball of frozen brine shrimp, and a little bit of kelp (nori) every day. They've been fine, my tank still tests 0 for phos. and I haven't had any algae outbreaks in about a month now. (knock on wood)
I also feed my corals a homegrown type of food made from clams, oysters, shrimp and a bunch of other stuff every other day. That helps vary the fish diet a little.
Good luck!

nm reef

Active Member
I don't believe I can answer your question precisely. I believe most if not all available foods can contribute to phosphates if used to excess.I'm not aware of amounts attributed to specific products...but I believe most flake foods tend to contribute to phosphates in our systems more so than frozen foods. I may be way off base in that thinking...but thats my understanding.
I use the following combination of foods on a regular basis and have been able to keep phosphates non-detectable for over 2 years now. I do use Kents Phosphate sponge once a month(normally for 24-48 hrs)...skim fairly heavy...drip kalk daily...use only RO/DI water for changes and top-offs...and try to avoid over feeding...all which can help to limit excessive phosphates.
Here is my list of foods:
Frozen-Hikari brine/mysis
San Franciso Bay Brand marine cusine & Mysis
Ocean Nutrition Spirulina formula & Formula Two
Flakes-Ocean Nutrition Formulas One & Two
several assorted O>S>I> flakes
DT's Phytoplankton
Plus I enrich the foods with garlic/Kents Zoe & Zoecon at least weekly.:cool:


Thanks Do you think i should use the tetra pellets how is the freeze dried shrimp daphnia from San Franciso Bay Brand

nm reef

Active Member
Sorry but I don't use any Tetra products...for personal reasons. The San Franciso Bay Brand products I listed are all I've used from them so I really can't provide information on the product you're curious about.

bang guy

Phosphate is a major component of Protein. This means that for a food to be viod of Phosphate it can't have any protein. This pretty much just includes sugar.


If a food has NO phosphate--it wouldn't provide much nutrition for the fish. I think the best you could hope for is a LOW phosphate food.