I don't believe I can answer your question precisely. I believe most if not all available foods can contribute to phosphates if used to excess.I'm not aware of amounts attributed to specific products...but I believe most flake foods tend to contribute to phosphates in our systems more so than frozen foods. I may be way off base in that thinking...but thats my understanding.
I use the following combination of foods on a regular basis and have been able to keep phosphates non-detectable for over 2 years now. I do use Kents Phosphate sponge once a month(normally for 24-48 hrs)...skim fairly heavy...drip kalk daily...use only RO/DI water for changes and top-offs...and try to avoid over feeding...all which can help to limit excessive phosphates.
Here is my list of foods:
Frozen-Hikari brine/mysis
San Franciso Bay Brand marine cusine & Mysis
Ocean Nutrition Spirulina formula & Formula Two
Flakes-Ocean Nutrition Formulas One & Two
several assorted O>S>I> flakes
DT's Phytoplankton
Plus I enrich the foods with garlic/Kents Zoe & Zoecon at least weekly.