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  1. sheni_angel

    Looking to buy a book Ideas??

    Ditto with Fenner's book! I love it and am always in it, even though I've read it! Great book!:D
  2. sheni_angel

    Invertebrate predators with clams?

    What does "in the sump for occasional use" mean? For cleaning the algae? Do they really mow over and knock things over? I think they are some of the coolest lookin things.
  3. sheni_angel

    Invertebrate predators with clams?

    That's good to know. Does anybody have anything good to say about having a sea urchin?:p
  4. sheni_angel

    Invertebrate predators with clams?

    I'm really starting to double think the urchin thing.......though they look so cool! I am aware of "not" touching them....can only imagine how much that would hurt. I'm wanting Metal halide lighting so along with golfish would probably lose that coraline algae anyways...if the bleaching is...
  5. sheni_angel

    Invertebrate predators with clams?

    I'm new at this.. Is that good or bad to strip the coralline algae?
  6. sheni_angel

    Invertebrate predators with clams?

    I really want to feature a few clams in my reef tank, but I'm also interested in adding a Blue Linkia Star and a Sea Urchin. Are those compatible or not?
  7. sheni_angel

    The wife saga continues ... I did this

    Take a stance, and that's coming from a woman!:) You're the man of the house and let her know that this is important to you and you want it where you can spend time with her, and sit and cuddle while you watch the tank........use some of those romantic words!:D If she really loves you, and...
  8. sheni_angel

    Is my Percula Clown Weird?

    Might help to check out the scientific names as well. The trues are "perculas" while the false are "ocellaris". Lots of times they'll be listed as true percs....but you'll see Ocellaris and be able to tell that they are the false.;)
  9. sheni_angel

    Which Tangs?

    Thanks for all this info guys..... I would've done it opposite naturally, adding the Hippo and then the that's a good thought. Are the Hippos more aggressive than the Nasos, or are both pretty easy going. They both list as peaceful.
  10. sheni_angel

    Which Tangs?

    Back to Bang guy's reply: You're serious...I can have both in a 125 gallon without being mean.:p Those are both of the ones I really want!! I was just going to post that exact question! How cool! My other fish will max out at 4 inches....Perculas, Mandarin, and Royal Gramma. Naso's are...
  11. sheni_angel

    Which Tangs?

    We have a ***** here in Olympia and that's where I always go to see what they have too. I haven't been to Midway Pets so maybe I'll have to check that out too. Thanks. It's nice to have some variety and choices.:p
  12. sheni_angel

    Wrasse and Mandarin.

    I'm getting a 125 gallon. So, it'd be a while before I even get the fellow, waiting for the tank to mature. Good advice on adding the Wrasse second.:)
  13. sheni_angel

    Which Tangs?

    I really do favor the Naso, although I love the brightness of the Hippo too. Should you put just "1" in a 125 gal? Also specifically to Y2SAYS.....extra question....Could you tell me some good fish stores in Seattle, or south. Thanks.:)
  14. sheni_angel

    Wrasse and Mandarin.

    O.k I really really have to have a Mandarin so I'm going to wait until I have a lot of copepods and a healthy tank. Here's the situation: I also want a clam lagoon and I was reading that you should have a Six-Line Wrasse, although I found a Radiant Wrasse that I like better to kill off the...
  15. sheni_angel

    Which Tangs?

    O.k ....out of "these" Tangs..........which would get your vote in a 125 gallon. My favorite is the Naso! I also like the... Acanthurus: Mimic Lemon Peel, Caribbean Blue, or White Faced. Zebrasoma: Purple (but I really don't want aggressive fish) Paracanthurus: Hippo. Is a 125 o.k for a...
  16. sheni_angel

    Whats the Best Book?

    I recommend "both" of these!!:) "Natural Reef Aquariums" by John Tulloch and "The Conscientous Marine Aquarist" by Robert Fenner. The 1st book is great on detail in the reef........but the 2nd is sooo helpful for outlining all information for beginners, as well as nicely detailed! Have fun!
  17. sheni_angel

    Why would you want a mantis?

    Is it a common thing to get a Mantis in a shipment of live rock? I think they're pretty, but I "do not" want one in my tank and I'm a little worried after all these posts.:p
  18. sheni_angel

    favorite tang

    The Powder Blue definately gets the vote for beauty...... and the Naso gets it for personality!!
  19. sheni_angel

    These Tangs?

    Thanks for the info guys. You seem to know a lot about your tangs. I did mean the Mimic Lemonpeel Tang too. But I just "love" the Nasos. <img src="graemlins//angel.gif" border="0" alt="[angel]" />
  20. sheni_angel

    These three fish?

    That would be so neat to have both!! :D And thanks for answering me. That would not be overcrowding to have to 15 inchers in a 125 gallon? As far as o.k swimming space?