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  1. saltwatergal

    HYPO- What Is The Lowest Your Salinty Can Go WIthout Losing Your Shrimp?

    I have listed above the information on my set-up for my two tanks with ick. Along with information on my fish. I forgot to list my cleaner wrasse in my 55 gal tank. I noticed after using Green X. I used carbon did a water change between medications. I am now started using Kick Ick. Which...
  2. saltwatergal

    HYPO- What Is The Lowest Your Salinty Can Go WIthout Losing Your Shrimp?

    I have two tanks that have ick! 1st 55 Gal With Hippo Tang and A Purple Tang Along With Asfur Angel And Maroon Clown. Damsel, With Cleaner Shrimp, Peppermint Shrimp, Snails And Crabs. I have 30 lbs of live rock with live sand. Running That Tank I have a Magnum Pro. Emperor 280 Remora Protein...
  3. saltwatergal

    HYPO- What Is The Lowest Your Salinty Can Go WIthout Losing Your Shrimp?

    Could you explain how to get rid of ick. I have two tanks that have ick. Both have cleaner shrimp, snails, hermit crabs as well as a tang left along with a clown in them. Both tanks have live rock etc. Here is what I have done so far! Used Green X for one week every other day! I have done...
  4. saltwatergal

    HYPO- What Is The Lowest Your Salinty Can Go WIthout Losing Your Shrimp?

    What Is The Lowest You Can Measure Your Salinity AT In Order TO Still Do HYPO. What Is The Lowest READING That Will Not Kill Your Shrimp And Still Help For ICK. Explain What HPO. IS!! What If You Have Cleaner Shrimps Along With Snails In Your Tank You Are Trying To Do HYPO On For Ick. I Have No...
  5. saltwatergal

    Saltwater Ick! What works?

    COULD SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME WITH MY PROBLEM! MY FISH ARE DYING ONE BY ONE! I have two tanks set up for about 3 months. One is a 55 gal tank with live rock and filteration. Along with a protein skimmer and a uv light. My other tank is a 46 gal. I have tried Green X which was recommended to...
  6. saltwatergal

    Saltwater Ick

    I have recently set up two saltwater tanks with live rocks. I just noticed ick on my tangs. They are pretty covered with it. I don't have a hospital tank. I would like to know how to get rid of it without taking the fish out of the tank. I would like to use a product that doesn't kill my live...