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  1. frogz

    Dang coralife skimmer

    I checked the air line and it was clear i will just keep a close eye on it and see what happens.
  2. frogz

    Dang coralife skimmer

    My tank has been running for about 3 weeks the coarlife skimmer has been working great till this morning. I woke up and checked to see if i needed any top off water and noticed my skimmer collection cup was full and overflowing. It was comming out of the hole in the lid at a pretty good rate...
  3. frogz

    POST YOUR PIC of your tanks!!

    Here is my new tank still cycling.
  4. frogz

    My new 20 gallon

    Thanks for the comments, I got the rock from a local fish store. The rock i got was really nice my local fish store always has good looking rock.
  5. frogz

    My new 20 gallon

    I got the rest of my rock in yesterday finally and the skimmer broke in after 4 days of running. I ended up with 30 lbs of live rock the tank is clearing up since the skimmer decided to start skimming. Let me know what you think.
  6. frogz

    My new 20 gallon

    Well its up and running i am getting the skimmer broke in and fine tuning everything. The fish store only had 7 pounds of live rock so i got that and 30 lbs of sand. They are suppose to have more tomorrow i think about 25-30 more lbs of rock will be plenty. I will post more pics when the other...
  7. frogz

    My new 20 gallon

    I got the tank drained and cleaned out this morning. I got all the equipment into the sump and hooked up. Tomorrow will be startup day, anyway here is a pic of the sump.
  8. frogz

    My new 20 gallon

    Thanks, the sand and live rock will go in monday.I will post pics.
  9. frogz

    My new 20 gallon

    Yes a hob overflow would work just fine. good luck
  10. frogz

    My new 20 gallon

    I like the flexi pipe its really hard to kink and easy to work with i have used it on my tanks in the past. The pump is a magdrive 3 but its a little more pump that i need if you do a similar setup on a 20 gallon tank and a 10 gallon sump i recommend a magdrive 2.
  11. frogz

    new 20 gallon very loud

    I got it figured out my return pump was just a little to much for my system so i added a valve to the return and throttled it back it works great. Thanks.
  12. frogz

    My new 20 gallon

    Thanks for all the comments.
  13. frogz

    My new 20 gallon

    I finally got the noisey overflow fixed i just had to throttle back on the return pump. Everything is running great i am goin to let it run all weekend just to make sure there are no other problems before i put the tank in its final spot. The overflow is just a bulk head and a 90 facing up with...
  14. frogz

    My new 20 gallon

    Its a 10 gallon sump.
  15. frogz

    My new 20 gallon

    I finally got it together for a water test today everything evened out fine except the loud slurping noise from the over flow. I hope to get that problem solved with a few 90 degree turns in the overflow line tomorrow Equipment list. Mag 3 return 175 watt 15 k XM metal halide ss65 skimmer not...
  16. frogz

    new 20 gallon very loud

    I just cranked up my new 20 gallon and the overflow noise is way too loud. It was making a slurping noise so i drilled a hole it the top of the pvc tee. Well that stopped the slurping noise but know the flushing sound coming out of the hole i drilled is just as bad. Suggestions? please here is...
  17. frogz

    Power strip close to sump

    In my past tanks i had them laying on the floor behind the tank. I never thought about what would happen if my tank flooded and the water would get in the powerstrip and start a fire. Thats why in this setup i put them in the stand up high. I think it should work out pretty well. I hope to have...
  18. frogz

    Power strip close to sump

    I went ahead and moved the lower powerstrip i figured the timer would start having troubles that close to the water. The power strips i have you can close off the plugin that your not using so that should cut down on moisture exposure. Here is a pic of where i moved it too i would put them on...
  19. frogz

    Power strip close to sump

    I am getting my 20 gallon ready for a water test today and was wondering if my lower powerstrip is to close to the sump? I really didnt think about it till i got them mounted and i started to think about moisture problems.The lower one will be about 10 inches from the actual water heres a pic.
  20. frogz

    Powerhead how much gph

    I am useing a mag 3 for a return pump with dual linelock nozzels that may be enough to get me good flow in the tank. I will get it goin on saturday so i will know for sure then. If its not enough flow i will ad a power head.