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  1. ooooooohhpeter

    Tank looking bad!!!

    nice turn around .an amazing tank behind all that algae . u have amazing patience . haha if that was me i would have lost my mind . by the way why did u wait till it got that bad. make sure u get new test kits and test periodicaly. keep it up and glad to know u stuck in there
  2. ooooooohhpeter

    MY TANK DIARY...56k beware lots of pictures

    Originally Posted by aquaguy24 nice tank and awesome sun coral.. adds great color to ur tank.. i want to start adding corals too but my tanks been only set up for three weeks.. i just have cleaner crew long untill u added ur first coral.. as soon as my tank got done cycling i added...
  3. ooooooohhpeter

    MY TANK DIARY...56k beware lots of pictures

    Originally Posted by spanko Tank looks good. You are however pushing the envelope having all of that, especially the LTA in a one month old tank. Be very careful. not flaming u but do u even see the LTA ?? and who said my tank is a month old?? look at my pics they all have dates on them
  4. ooooooohhpeter


    how fast or how often to these split in your tank?? also please put what kind of lights you have and where you position your rics.
  5. ooooooohhpeter

    POST YOUR PIC of your tanks!!

    my 28g cube
  6. ooooooohhpeter

    tiny white swirls

    i have these as well. what are the benefits of having these in the tank?
  7. ooooooohhpeter


    well i hope he doesnt drop the shell before sunday cause im planning on takin it off this sunday
  8. ooooooohhpeter

    mandarin question

    :thinking: well what do u guys have in mind then?? what other fish would be a good choice. im open to anything :happyfish
  9. ooooooohhpeter

    MY TANK DIARY...56k beware lots of pictures

    can a mod move this thread to photography please cause i take so many pictures.
  10. ooooooohhpeter

    MY TANK DIARY...56k beware lots of pictures

    Originally Posted by timt6379 dude that is pretty sweet " VERY NICE HOW MUCH " BORAT spank you very much
  11. ooooooohhpeter

    mandarin question

    been thinkin of getting a mandarin would a mandarin make out alive in my tank i already have 2 perculas and bicolor dottyback. 2 cleaners shrimps , 1 emerald crab , 14 hermit crabs , 12 turbo snails , mini brittles stars. i only have 30-40 lbs lr but planning on seeding with live pods...
  12. ooooooohhpeter

    a few things i need id and random pics

    b t o t h e u t o t h e m t o t h e p
  13. ooooooohhpeter

    MY TANK DIARY...56k beware lots of pictures

    Originally Posted by NigerBang Your light is a 1x96PC....right??..I would thinking about taking that anem. back to the LFS for some credit..As a ton of people are going to tell you..They require intense strong light.. yes i have 96 watts of pc but my lta was thriving pretty well with my lights...
  14. ooooooohhpeter

    MY TANK DIARY...56k beware lots of pictures

    Originally Posted by NigerBang Your light is a 1x96PC....right??..I would thinking about taking that anem. back to the LFS for some credit..As a ton of people are going to tell you..They require intense strong light.. yes i have 96 watts of pc but my lta was thriving pretty well with my lights...
  15. ooooooohhpeter


    heres another picture
  16. ooooooohhpeter

    MY TANK DIARY...56k beware lots of pictures

    looks kinda lil white swirls this si gonna be tuff to see but its a baby snail what kind is it and is it reef safe? what kind of xenia is this? please any help is highly appreciated heres a few more i took for the heck of it
  17. ooooooohhpeter

    a few things i need id and random pics

    looks kinda lil white swirls this si gonna be tuff to see but its a baby snail what kind is it and is it reef safe? what kind of xenia is this? please any help is highly appreciated heres a few more i took for the heck of it
  18. ooooooohhpeter

    MY TANK DIARY...56k beware lots of pictures

    Originally Posted by AngelaPound You have a beautiful tank! I can't wait for mine to start looking like that! I have a question for you. I need to upgrade my lights and I'm looking at the same kind you have for my 15 gal tank. Do those light just mount right to your wood hood right out of...
  19. ooooooohhpeter

    MY TANK DIARY...56k beware lots of pictures

    my hermit crab moved to a new home with my frag attached to it got some new stuff 2 types of xenia and torch some really crappy picture of my whole tank shot