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  1. toonascott

    check out my new Blue Shrooms!!!!

    Coral Sea... I think we have another family field trip in the making. Thank you for the info.
  2. toonascott

    Lettuce Nudibranch

    anything new happen with those "eggs" ?
  3. toonascott

    My gonio "fragged" by itself!!!!

    Something amazing happened with my goniopora pendulus. I notice two tiny polyps amongst all the big polyps and it appeared to be seperating. I noticed this the day I put it in my tank. A day later it was gone. 4 days later I found it on the bottom of the tank and it looks pretty darn good. It is...
  4. toonascott

    check out my new Blue Shrooms!!!!

    I forgot to ask ... where are some more cool marine stores to check out? I notice saltwater fish is going to open up to the public soon. I can't wait.
  5. toonascott

    check out my new Blue Shrooms!!!!

    Big Al's is an amazing store. I am pretty sure they started out in my country of origin...Canada. I used to make a "Big Al's Tour". My wife and I would drive to the big al's in Kitchener, then onto the store in hamilton, then the Big Al's in brampton and finally the missassauga store. It was an...
  6. toonascott

    Ongoing problem with Brown Film Covering Glass and Purple Gorgonia? "Not A New Tank".

    from the pics I can see you are very good at cleaning and maintenance, it looks like your tank was just setup. From your pics, I do not think you are leaving lights on too long or overfeeding. The brown film may be a small semi cycling each water change. I found that on my 40 gallon, I couldnt...
  7. toonascott

    Ongoing problem with Brown Film Covering Glass and Purple Gorgonia? "Not A New Tank".

    WAIT, I looked at your picture again and noticed the dead as a door knob gorgonian! sorry man, no wonder it gets algae on it, its toast! That is the skeletal remains of a gorgonain. DOH, I goofed . By the way, your tank looks great otherwise, that is the largest and happiest xenia I have ever...
  8. toonascott

    Ongoing problem with Brown Film Covering Glass and Purple Gorgonia? "Not A New Tank".

    ok, now that i see the pics. Pics are worth a thousand words. Your "purple gorgonia" looks like a pumping xenia, or pom pom xenia. I have had a purple gorgonian, which does not look like any of your pictures. I am always open to learning, there are so many creatures to learn about. So... if we...
  9. toonascott

    Ongoing problem with Brown Film Covering Glass and Purple Gorgonia? "Not A New Tank".

    I have been thru the brown film, how long are your lights on? I did 4 things to get rid of the problem 1/ 6 hours of light 2/ kent marine charcoal for a week a month 3/ reduced feeding 4/ 10% water changes every month. A stable tank is the key, always stagger the water changes with your carbon...
  10. toonascott

    check out my new Blue Shrooms!!!!

    Originally Posted by GatorWPB Great Pics Toona!! I love it here in South Fla, lots of places to choose from. Which new store are/were you going to? How was it? We went to Exotic Aquatics, it was a cool little store. They had everything, and their tanks where better kept than most LFS. I bought...
  11. toonascott

    check out my new Blue Shrooms!!!!

    Originally Posted by Pyro Just curious; how long has the scallop been in your tank? Shrooms like amazing by the way, and the fins on your firefish look really health - my clown has been snapping at mine recently =/ The scallop has been in for 2 months, if I remember correctly. He was one of...
  12. toonascott

    check out my new Blue Shrooms!!!!

    thanks, I had to get out my little chair and whip to get my flame goby into position, hahaha. Just kidding, my fish seem to be camera hogs, everytime I go to take a picture they swim right into the view, its funny as heck. Something really neat has happened since I put the blue shrooms in, my...
  13. toonascott

    check out my new Blue Shrooms!!!!

    They have been in the tank a week and they love it. One of the mushrooms came off the rock and he is slowly moving around looking for a happy place. Once he settles, the whole colony is going to where he settles and I am going to frag him and zap a gap the frags on a cool piece of coral I found...
  14. toonascott

    Emerald Crabs all dead

    I wonder if hermits and snails can handle more metals than the emeralds? Maybe you should check for copper?
  15. toonascott

    ID needed Goniopora?

    thanks for the help sir. I used freeze dried cyclopease, I am going to get some frozen and try in a few days. You mention too much light might have a negative impact. I will watch this closely, but do you think my little t-5s could bleach this coral? I picked all my corals based on water flow...
  16. toonascott

    Why can't I seem to keep Xenia?

    I've had my xenia for a month. 4 tiny individuals, they don't pulse if I have any current on them. I have them in bright area of tank and I use 4 39w t-5. My water has 0, ammonia,nitrites,nitrates,phosphates, the ph is 8.0 and calcium is under 400. I feed once a week with cyclopeeze, they seem...
  17. toonascott

    ID needed Goniopora?

    Well, its only been a week but I think I have made some important observations. IT LIKES LIGHT!!!! Lots of it. I put the gonio approximately 6 inches from the surface of my tank. I use a nova extreme lighting system, utilizing 4 39 w T-5 bulbs.Its not a halide but so far my branching hammer...
  18. toonascott

    ID needed Goniopora?

    I have spent an entire day researching this coral. I think I have weeded out all the myths and here is how I am going to take care of this coral. Moderate Light, Moderate to low water flow, keep it from touching other corals, target feed it with freeze dried copepods, zooplankton, cyclopeeze...
  19. toonascott

    ID needed Goniopora?

    Success, I found a really good site for goniopora. I found a picture of mine and it is definetly a Goniopora Pendulus. I quote from the site "This specimen is very similar to Goniopora stokesi except that it has slightly larger polyps, longer tentacles, larger mouths, and is more of an overall...
  20. toonascott

    ID needed Goniopora?

    Need help getting a positive id on this. It was at my LFS for months and I looked online to find out more about it before I bought it. I think it is a goniopora, but the more I find or read on net, the more confused I am. Some say you need really bright lights for this coral, some say you need...