Search results

  1. glinton

    picking out LR

    How do you know what the "hitch hikers" look like? I would have no idea what to look for.
  2. glinton

    picking out LR

    How do you pick out good LR? I have heard some people say that they have gotten LR that has polyps and other invertebrates on them. What exactly do you look for?
  3. glinton

    coraline algae growth in a new tank

    Thanks guys. I have read to add Calcium to the water to promote coraline growth. Does anything else need to be added?
  4. glinton

    coraline algae growth in a new tank

    I am starting up a tank soon (30gal long) and was hoping to buy live Fiji rock from an LFS in stages (about 10# at a time). Does it matter what type of lighting I have in order to promote coraline algae growth? I am hoping to buy a tank, sand and live rock (in stages). Once I get the tank up...
  5. glinton

    SeaClone Protein Skimmer - Thoughts?

    Look in the trading & classified section for a used SeaClone. I know there is a guy selling a used one for around $55, if he hasn't sold it already.
  6. glinton

    Looking for a skimmmer...

    If anyone has a skimmer for sale for under $75, let me know. You can e-mail me at: Thanks!
  7. glinton

    Cheap Skimmer...

    wamp- Really? I have never heard that. I have heard that the SeaClone is not good at all. What do you mean the new SeaClone has had modifications made to it? How can I make sure I get the new model? Thanks!
  8. glinton

    P C lights

    MichaelTX- I saw on your profile that you are in Lubbock, I live in Plainview. I stopped in at High Tech Aquarium a week ago and they had some PC's at pretty reasonable prices. One question for you-do you know any places in town that are selling aquariums for a reasonable price? I looked at...
  9. glinton

    Cheap Skimmer...

    I have the same question that you do. I am going to set up a 29gal reef tank soon. Just how soon depends on money!! I have asked on many discussion boards that same question and I have heard that the Prizm works the best for a reasonable price. You can find it at for $69. From...
  10. glinton

    Prism Skimmer?

    I am planning on buying a 29gal, so I imagine the Prizm would work just fine. Thanks!
  11. glinton

    Prism Skimmer?

    No problem entice59. I saw it and couldn't believe it as well. 69.99 seems to be a great deal. I am assuming from the rest of the responses that Prizm is a pretty good skimmer. I have heard that bak-paks and remoras are also good. But $69 sounds great (as compared to 120 for a bak-pak and who...
  12. glinton

    visi-jet venturi skimmer

    Thanks guys. Any suggestions on an inexpensive skimmer that works well for a 29gal?
  13. glinton

    looking to buy a skimmer

    I am looking for a good skimmer for my 29gal tank. I want to spend under $75. Obviously, the lower the better! If you are selling one, let me know. Thanks!
  14. glinton

    visi-jet venturi skimmer

    Anyone know about the visi-jet venturi skimmer? It operates inside the tank. I am trying to save money and this one seems to be the least expensive skimmer I can get. But I don't know if it works well, plus I don't like the fact that it operates inside the tank. Also, I have heard the Prizm...
  15. glinton

    Prism Skimmer?

    I saw the prizm hang-on for 69.99 at It seems to be the best price out there.