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  1. petepaschall

    What's up with this?

    Okay, about two weeks ago, I reached my hand into the third chamber of my wet/dry (the one that has the return pump) and felt something slimy. I pulled it out and it was a smaller sized anemone. I have no idea how it got there. I put it in my tank where it seems to be doing well. Went back a...
  2. petepaschall

    More sump/overflow questions (sizing)

    The drainline is 1" at its smallest point (the fittings) but larger (I'm guessing 1 1/2") everywhere else. Its the standard blue corrugated hose type of stuff. The U-tube is 1" as well. The part of the overflow box that sits outside the tank is 6" w X 10" h X 4 1/4" d. The part that sits...
  3. petepaschall

    Will this cause my tank to cycle again?

    I changed out my 55g for a 75g this morning. I had some new sand still in the bag left over which I added first, then I added some sand that had been live at one point. It had been in a smaller tank (I think 39g) that I took down over this past winter. I left the sand with a small amount of...
  4. petepaschall

    More sump/overflow questions (sizing)

    I bought a used 55g a couple of years ago with an external overflow and wet/dry with bio-balls. I am switching to a new 75g tank (possibly tomorrow, but I can wait if necessary). I am currently running a RIO 2100 return pump and will have two 550 gph powerheads inside the tank. The sump works...
  5. petepaschall

    Saltwater because of Nemo the Movie

    I joined because I had a 55g for 2 1/2 years that crashed a about a month ago due to my own ignorance. It had lots of problems and the advice I would get at the LFS from Day 1 was questionable, to say the least (and the guy there seems a little condescending as well). They were just out for a...
  6. petepaschall

    Cons to a DSB and wet/dry prefilter

    I'd like to get BangGuy's and Thomas' perspective on Bio-Balls, since they have a friendly disagreement (and anyone else who cares to chip in). The same guy at the LFS that said he hates DSB's said to take the Bio-Balls out of the wet/dry and throw them away. I was/am leaning toward doing...
  7. petepaschall

    Cons to a DSB and wet/dry prefilter

    Nice read. Makes me reconsider putting a DSB in the display, and just set one up in the sump. It'd be a lot easier to change out if need be (as someone mentioned in an earlier post). Any thoughts on this approach?
  8. petepaschall

    Cons to a DSB and wet/dry prefilter

    Interesting... I'm not too sure about the above-mentioned LFS anyway - they seem a little snobby to me. About the DSB - how exactly do you change it out if/when it crashes? Would that require cycling the tank again due to loss of established bio filtration?
  9. petepaschall

    Cons to a DSB and wet/dry prefilter

    What are the cons to having a DSB? Guy at the LFS said he "hates" them. When I asked why, he said something about if I got popped by a bristleworm I'd understand. I wasn't real sure what he was talking about, but it didn't give me any clue as to the disadvantages of a DSB. Second question -...
  10. petepaschall

    baby turbos???

    I have decided to switch out my old 55g for a new 75g (bought today). I will be doing this as soon as I build my stand. The thing is, I bought two dozen turbo snails a month or so ago to combat an algae outbreak I was dealing with at the time. The guy at the LFS told me that they would...
  11. petepaschall

    DIY 75 gallon stand

    I read some posts about plans for a DIY stand and canopy for a 75 gallon tank, and was hoping some of the folks who have e-mailed plans to others would send some to me. I saw one picture of a stand and canopy built by Slick that was beautiful. Slick, if you're willing to share your ideas, I'd...
  12. petepaschall

    starting over

    I've been running a 55 setup for about 2 1/2 years now. Unfortunately, I was running it in ignorance - very infreqent water changes and tests, no skimmer, aand several other things. About 6 months ago, I began having problems with hair algae growth (I know now that the nitrates were a BIG...