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  1. drewco

    Porcupine puffer in a reef tank.

    One more question. If I do not use RO/DI water will useing a phosphate remover help me with algea control??????
  2. drewco

    Porcupine puffer in a reef tank.

    Ok I know im probibly going to get flamed untill I die but im going to try it beacause I simply can not bring my self to give him away. I wanted to know whats going to happen when I start adding corals, crabs, and snails to teh tank. And smallish fish. (The puffer is about 4 inches and I wanted...
  3. drewco

    Reef lighting

    Thank you both very much foir your help. Drew
  4. drewco

    Reef lighting

    anyone please????????
  5. drewco

    Reef lighting Or is this one better???
  6. drewco

    Reef lighting

    Im kinda confused. Im looking at power compact lighting. It is not medal halid I dont think. is that ok?? Sorry for posting that website but I really need some help. Can anyone tell me if thats good or not?
  7. drewco

    Reef lighting

    well what kind of lighting would i need to be able to keep everything???
  8. drewco

    Reef lighting

    well. What would I not be able to keep???
  9. drewco

    Reef lighting

    I wanted to know if the lighting below is good fot a 75 gallon reef tank. I want to be able to keep most corals in it. 48" Current USA Dual Satellite Lighting Fixture with Lunar Light # 4X65W Dual Actinic (420nm/460nm) and Dual Daylight (6,700K/10,000K) bulbs # 2 Lunar Light # Fan cooled #...
  10. drewco

    Someone please help

    to bad.. I really wanted some school fish... Could I get 3 yellow tangs???
  11. drewco

    Someone please help

    Ive had a very hard time getting a ghood answer from my LFS so i was hopeing you guys can help me. I currently have a stars and stripes puffer fish and a porcupine puffer fish in a 75 gallon Flower tank. i wanted to know what kind of small school fish i can get if any. Or what kind of small...
  12. drewco

    Reef question.

    I really need some advice can ayone give an idea???
  13. drewco

    removeing a moray eel.

    How do i go about removeing a 3 foot zebra moray from my FO tank???
  14. drewco

    Reef question.

  15. drewco

    Reef question.

    but how do I remove the moray?? lol. There is no net big enough. Is calcium all you need???? Thanks for your help. Drew
  16. drewco

    Reef question.

    I have had an established FLOWER tank for about a year now and Im going to start a reef. I wanted to know what chemicles or solutions im going to need besides my salt mix. i really dont want to use any chemicles but I think I might have to. Also how do i go about removeing a 3 foot zebra moray...
  17. drewco

    Need help quick PLZ!

    if I where to get rid of the stars and stripes puffer fish could I get corals or no way??
  18. drewco

    Need help quick PLZ!

    are there any other small colorfull fish I can put with the puffers??? Cardinals? Clows?? gobys????
  19. drewco

    Need help quick PLZ!

    anyone plz!?!?!?!
  20. drewco

    Need help quick PLZ!

    will puffers eat coral???