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  1. drewco

    Need help quick PLZ!

    the tank is a 75 gallon and I wanted some devil damsels and chromis
  2. drewco

    Need help quick PLZ!

    Im going to the fish store to return some fish that have outgrown my tank! I wanted to know if I can get a bunch of smallish dosile fish with a 5 inch porcupine puffer and a 5 inch stars and stipes puffer. And if teh answers no. What fish can i get with it??? Thanks alot! Drew
  3. drewco

    SOCCER - The Real Football

    true. You really dont have to be in good shape to play half of the football positions. But all soccer players are fit and in to physical condition. Soccer is the most played sport in the world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. drewco

    Getting at tattoo. (Im 16)

    Ive only seen the website of the place im going to and it looks reputable. They have many pics of what they have done and teh shop looks very nice. Thanks, Drew
  5. drewco

    Getting at tattoo. (Im 16)

    So I read all your posts and thanks alot for all the help. I actually found a place near me that does kids who are 16 and older. I am going to get one in the comming weeks but its going to be small and not colored in. Before I get it though im thinking about putting a henna tattoo where I want...
  6. drewco

    Getting at tattoo. (Im 16)

    No, i understand what you are saying. All I want to know is can I get a tattoo at 16 with parentall consent in CT.
  7. drewco

    Getting at tattoo. (Im 16)

    miller man if thats the only way than thats the only way... I dont see whats gay... seems just like a very dumb comment.. Drew
  8. drewco

    Getting at tattoo. (Im 16)

    does anyone know????????????????????????????????????????
  9. drewco

    Getting at tattoo. (Im 16)

    ........ ok.......... what makes that gay??? Drew
  10. drewco

    Getting at tattoo. (Im 16)

    hmmm.. I thought u could get one at 16 but u needed a parents permission..
  11. drewco

    Getting at tattoo. (Im 16)

    Also does anyone know where there are any good artists in CT?? i live in southeastern CT.
  12. drewco

    SOCCER - The Real Football

    I AM A HUGE SOCCER PLAYER! I play on the CT state team at the U16 level! FUTBOL RULES!
  13. drewco

    Getting at tattoo. (Im 16)

    Hey guys whats up! I was woundering if you could get a tattoo at age 16 in CT with parental consent? I have my moms permission to get the tattoo beacause we ha d a deal that if I ha d an A- averagve in school for the 2nd half of the year I could get a 3 inch by 3 inch tattoo. She said she would...
  14. drewco

    Starveing eel

    ok thanks for the info. i was getting a bit worried. After it starts eating how often should i feed it? I have heard many things from once a week to every other day. Also what should I be feeding him?? Im currently feeding him silver sides however this is probibly not that good for him. Last...
  15. drewco

    Starveing eel

    cool. Thanks cartman!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. drewco

    Starveing eel

    by the way its a zebra moray. and its about 2 feet long.
  17. drewco

    Starveing eel

    My eel has not eaten in about a week. It has simply beenm hiding under the rocks and not even looking for food. Today I just hung a big piece of fish in front of him but he seemed totally uninterested. Should I be worried or is it normal for eels to go on hunger strikes?????
  18. drewco

    Stingray jumped out of tank

    00nothing, yes there are rays i belive you can keep in a 125. Not sure what kind though.
  19. drewco

    Coraline algae

    so do i. Def try it!
  20. drewco

    Coraline algae

    give it time. I started getting corline about 5-6 months after my tank started up... But purple up works wonders.