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  1. flood

    sea fan

    I always use mild bleach soultion let sit for a while then rince the heck out of what im cleaning & put right back in tank,so far it has worked great (10 months tank is going).
  2. flood

    sea fan

    no it's not live. Thanks
  3. flood

    sea fan

    my wife got a sea fan, is it ok to put in fo tank & when it gets dirty how to clean without bleach
  4. flood

    coral banded shrimp

    yeh they came off. Thank you
  5. flood

    coral banded shrimp

    when I moved my cb shrimp to my new tank his long arms & claws came off,he seems fine. Will they grow back :eek:
  6. flood


    sorry mabie ive been worken to hard,I meant any o replys. Thanks for the replys.
  7. flood


    that really makes me burn when some messages are purposly ignored.Irealize you guys are probobly sick of same things. It still makes me mad especially when it happens to me.
  8. flood

    for MR SALTY

    I see you have probbly have the same kind of skimmer as me. Ijust got mine & im not sure how it works.My bubbles only go to the bottom of the cup, are they suppose to go to top.Hooked it up to cheep aquaculture air pump with no air floo adjustments. I dont no if this is right. :rolleyes:
  9. flood


    thanks everyone,i just get to exited that i cant think stright about what to do
  10. flood


    when can i add some fish
  11. flood


    just started 75g tank and i added 10gs of water from established 30g tank all readings 0 and no nitrites, how long does tank have to cycle
  12. flood


    I just baught75g tank would amagnum 350 deluxe filter be good.{fish tank}Is it a good filter? :rolleyes:
  13. flood


    ;) Thank you very much ;)
  14. flood


    is agramax sand ok for fish much do I need for 75 gal tank? :rolleyes:
  15. flood


    ok just want 2 make sure , THANKS
  16. flood


    The guy at the fish store said 2 mix salt in a bucket let it sit & add the rest of water through python hose, that would be ok.
  17. flood


    not sure I dont think its bad.
  18. flood


    I have well water
  19. flood


    :confused: any1 used long syphon for water change? If so how do you add salt,& get right temp.
  20. flood

    30g 2 75g

    I have a 30 gal tank going about 6 months, want to get 75 gal tank,can I use my 30 tank with new water,& how long about will it take to cycle.I have 1 clown,1 yellow tang, 1 blue damsel 1 coral banded shrimp,about how many more fish can I put in there,& can I finish cycling new tank with...