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  1. tucker2


    Just purchased a Seaclone for my 75G... Good purchase????????
  2. tucker2

    Inhabitants for a 75G FOWLR

    Titian, I appreciate the advice. I have decided to go with the Trigger. What tankmakes would you advise? I will be investing in a larger tank within a year or two (at least 200G) Thanks.
  3. tucker2

    Inhabitants for a 75G FOWLR

    If I go with the Humu what options would I have for tankmates?
  4. tucker2

    Inhabitants for a 75G FOWLR

    Eventually I will get a larger tank and convert my 75G into a reef. Since I am new to saltwater I thought it best to start with a FOWLR rather than attempting a reef first. The one fish that I really, really want is a humu trigger. If I were to purchase a very small one (1" - 2") would it be...
  5. tucker2

    Inhabitants for a 75G FOWLR

    Thanks for the input. Since the best I can do right now is a 75G do you suggest that I stay away from an aggressive setup? If not, which aggressives would you suggest? Thanks.
  6. tucker2

    Inhabitants for a 75G FOWLR

    While my 75G FOWLR tank cycles I am trying to decide on the fish that will eventually be added. Here is what I would like to add... Humu Trigger Yellow Tang Dwarf Lion let me know what you think. Thanks.
  7. tucker2

    LR Question

    I have about 40 lbs of the old, dried up rock. I added about 10 lbs of new LR. I really didn't want to add anymore rock, but will try to squeeze in another 10 lbs, or so. Thanks for the info.
  8. tucker2

    LR Question

    My First Post!! About 4 months ago my tank developed a leak forcing me to break down the setup. The LR I had in the tank has dried out killing everything on it. About a week ago I set the tank back up with the same rock while adding 2 new pieces of LR that I just purchased. My question...