Search results

  1. thederek

    leater coral

    phew..thats definantly good to hear...
  2. thederek

    leater coral

    hmmm he was in a pretty flowy spot...what i would consider moderate...but it might have been too much becuase he is kind of small so i moved him out of it a little...we shall se what it does..
  3. thederek

    leater coral

    the 10 watts is only lights are on their leathers like less flow or more?
  4. thederek

    leater coral

    water parameters are all good...everything is at zero, nitrates are very low...temperature is a degree or two high, but not out of is only 10watts PC 50/50 right now but he is very close to the light
  5. thederek

    leater coral

    My leather coral wont open...I've had him in the tank for a few days now and he hasnt opened up yet...It started to open up the first day I had him in the tank but he never opened all the way...None of my other coral or fish are having problems...
  6. thederek

    torch coral...

    Ok, so I have 26watts of lighting on its way....this should be enough to make it happy...but until then, in order to keep it alive, should I leave the lights on longer than usual? What can I do to help him make it until they are here?
  7. thederek

    ID please

    What is this coral...the guy at my LFS told me what it was but I forgot already...not the star polyp by the way, the purple thing to the left of it... thanks
  8. thederek

    torch coral...

    yea its the mini compact flourescent made by coralife... I should have 26watts of lighting in the tank within a week or two...but will he be allright until then?
  9. thederek

    50/50 light question

    I have a small 50/50 PC bulb in my tank and its the kind that has the actinic and the regular flouresenct on the same bulb...I cant figure out how to position the bulb to get the max effective light to my the white side more important than the actinic side or vice versa? if i have it...
  10. thederek

    new to saltwater!

    consider at 12 gallon nano cube...its a little pricey but it comes with almost everything you need...great for a dorm might even fit on your desk if you do it right..
  11. thederek

    torch coral...

    I think i made a mistake....I have a 5 gallon tank and I put a torch coral in it...I only have 10watts of 50/50 pc lighting, but the coral is literally about 3 inches from the top of the water....Will he be allright or does he need more light? The hood on my tank will only support the 10watt...
  12. thederek

    peppermint shrip

    my peppermint would swim up to the top and eat the flake and pellet food I put in for the was really fun to watch...
  13. thederek

    yellow clown goby ?'s

    I just put a yellow clown goby in my tank, acclimated him for about an hour and a half....Hes kind of spazzing out a little right now and I'm kind of worried, I know from experience fish arent happy right off the bat but he is kinda twitching awkwardly and he is on the sand pushing himself...
  14. thederek

    nano star fish and crabs

    what would be a good starfish for a 5 gallon reef tank? what would be a good crab for the same tank?(not a hermit by the way)
  15. thederek

    5 gallon heating question

    Is there a trick to keeping a more constant temperature in my 5 gallon? I have a heater, but the temperture seems to fluctuate by 2 or 3 degrees in both directions...
  16. thederek

    torch coral and clown

    when im picking out a clown at the LFS should I look for one that has already formed a relationship with something just so I'll know that there is a better chance of him doing it again? Or is it just really hard to predict?
  17. thederek

    torch coral and clown

    Will a percula clown and a torch coral form a symbiotic relationship? I've heard that clowns will pair up with stuff other than anemones and I was wondering if the torch that I have will work...
  18. thederek

    crazy fish

    maybe there is buried treasure!!! ive seen freshwater do this as like a nesting spot maybe for laying eggs or something...but i dunno
  19. thederek


    I'll post a picture of mine pretty soon...I'll have to take one and upload it..
  20. thederek

    Killing Aptasia!!!

    yea, I got 2 peppermint shrimp for my 20 gallon when i had the same problem...within 2 or 3 weeks it was completely gone and i had about 100 baby shrimp in my tank, which unfortunantly were quickly eaten by my fish