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  1. thederek

    Camera Question

    kodak's digitals are not up to par....but its a good deal if you are on a budget
  2. thederek

    Moving Tanks

    man...and im stressing about moving my 5 gallon....i have no experience moving tanks so i cant offer much help...but i wish you good luck!
  3. thederek

    why is garlic good for the fishes?

    helps to get rid of vampire fish too.
  4. thederek

    Athens Aquarium LFS

    Its on Old Epps Bridge Rd.....If you take East Broad out of downtown Athens, go a few miles, and take the right across the street from Alps rd. and then an immediate right, and then its right there on your right... or you could just go to and get better directions than i...
  5. thederek

    what is the difference between a refuge & Sump???

    wanted bump this thread becuase I'm interested as well since I'm not really sure of the purpose of either of them.
  6. thederek

    Athens Aquarium LFS

    Anyone have any experience with the LFS in Athens, GA called the Athens Aquarium & Fish Store? They seem to have a nice facility and the staff seems knowledgable so far, but I'd just like to know if anyone has any opinions..thanks
  7. thederek

    enough lighting?

    yea, thats the max lighting i can get on it without completely replacing the hood, which i would rather not do. What kind of corals will be happy with this kind of lighting?
  8. thederek

    We did it!

    I cant wait to get a large tank for myself....I'm still in the days of college dorm life where you can only have up to a 20gal tank and a 5 gal is really all that is practical....o well, soon
  9. thederek

    Advice for 5g Nano

    I'm just starting a 5 gallon too, so I've been wondering some of the same things....Right now I'm thinking of getting: 1 Percula clown(mainly because this tank is in my dorm and thats what everyone wants me to get) 1 shrimp (either a cleaner, fire, pistol, or peppermint) 1 goby-possibly..2 fish...
  10. thederek

    enough lighting?

    I have a 5 gallon tank and the only light that I could get to fit in the hood is a 10watt 50/50 mini compact flourescent light...It seems like it puts out a good amount of light but I want to make sure its enough before I put any corals in the tank..
  11. thederek

    Pic's of my new 1 gallon Nano

    fire extinguisher??
  12. thederek

    red feather dusters?

    I had some red ones that looked exactly like those
  13. thederek

    Lighting for Eclipse 6

    hmm...not guessing maybe a power has a built in ballast..
  14. thederek

    How do I obtain RODI?

    Now I'm not sure if this is the right stuff or if its a good idea, but a lot of bottled water, including Sams Choice which you can get at WalMart for cheap, usually says that its RO/DI...Dunno if maybe there is other stuff in it that might make it tank unfriendly, but seems like it shouldnt be..
  15. thederek

    first saltwater tank is a nano

    very definantly got an awesome deal...I'm guessing you didnt have any problems moving it or anything?
  16. thederek

    Lighting for Eclipse 6

    Not sure which model Eclipse you got, but I just purchased one and then got a 10watt 50/50 bulb that fit in it perfectly...Check at your LFS..
  17. thederek

    help! cloudy tank

    Thanks for the help you guys...Everything has cleared up and is back to almost normal...The fragments of LR I put in there must have done something becuase they caused the nitrates to go up when they were at zero before adding it, they were supposedly fully cured, but who knows...
  18. thederek

    help! cloudy tank

    Did a 15ish% water change a few hours ago and its just as cloudy as before, smell seems long should I wait to do another water change?
  19. thederek

    help! cloudy tank

    The carbon filter is new and still pretty clean....It has a slight smell, a little worse than usualy, but not too bad...I'm gonna do a water change pretty soon.
  20. thederek

    help! cloudy tank

    No, I havent done any cleaning and I have sand as my substrate...I dont think its sand though, It looks different than sand and It has stayed cloudy a lot longer than sand usually does..