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  1. pstock44

    hawian feather duster questions

    All my parameters are zero or close to it but I wouldn't call my water "clean". The water looks clear but there's always micro particles floating around. Kinda like how you can see dust in the air when the sun shines through a window just right. I think they're interesting to look at popping in...
  2. pstock44

    Brittle vs CBS.... Brittle: 1, CBS: 0

    I just now came across this thread and had to post to it. After a couple of weeks of trying to catch him I just banished my Brittle Star to the sump tank! (my makeshift refugium) The little bugger got big and has eaten a total of 2 cleaner shrimp, 1 gold coral banded shrimp (from a mated pair)...
  3. pstock44

    hawian feather duster questions

    I have had two of them since early this year. Both their tubes have grown since I got them and I don't spot feed them at all. All they get is whatever they filter from the water. I do use a turkey baster and blow off the rocks every couple weeks so maybe they get something at that time. I would...
  4. pstock44

    Losing coral/color

    I like the algae too. I have a Yellow Tang, the normal crabs (blue leg hermit & green emerald) but the vodka dosing helped me get the nitrates under control. I tried the regular water changes without a lot of success. My understanding is that the vodka dosing helps produce the good bacteria that...
  5. pstock44

    Losing coral/color

    Flower, I'm so sorry I haven't replied sooner. I am subscribed but I don't seem to get notices that there is a reply to my post.   Anyway, I hope the group lets me post this link to the page I used to get started with my Vodka Dosing program.
  6. pstock44

    Which one?

    Attachment 245328 Here's a pic (hopefully you can see it, I haven't done this here before) of our torch coral, toadstool leather and tongue coral. I would say they have all been "easy" corals as I don't do anything special for them and they are all showing signs of growth. I have them under four...
  7. pstock44

    Losing coral/color

    I agree with the parameters issue. I am running four T5 bulbs (2 x 12k, 2 x actinic) and one 50/50 T8 bulb on each half of my 125 gallon tank. All my corals (tongue, toadstool, torch, cabbage leather, couple of xenias, yellow polyps and several mushroom types) are flourishing now that my...
  8. pstock44

    Mushroom Question

    I've been reading a lot of the posts about mushroom propagation and its all been quite informative but... My question is about mushrooms "unhooking" themselves from the rock on purpose. Will they do this? And why? 99% of my mushrooms seem to be doing well, they open fully and look great but...
  9. pstock44

    Cleaner Shrimp Died Suddenly???

    I just caught up with this post, I haven't been getting any notifications of any replies. Anyway, to answer the questions asked. I have a 125 gallon tank with about 30 more gallons in the sump. I check salinity when I make my water so it matches the tank salinity. The parameters of the system...
  10. pstock44

    Help with identification...

    Thx for the info. I got it at my LFS and they told me it was an Anemone but it likes to lay down close and flat to the rock, almost looking like a Ricordea. I can't really see its foot and it only moved once. It hasn't moved since so I began to wonder. It must really like where I put it and so...
  11. pstock44

    Help with identification...

    Can anyone please help me identify this? Thx in advance.
  12. pstock44

    Good Beginner Corals?

    I have a 6 ft long, 125 gallon and recently added two 3 ft, 4 bulb (2actinic, 2 12k daylight) T5 units with blue LED moonlights. I also have a single row (2 x 3ft) T8 50/50 light along the front (this is the only light I had for quite awhile). I have slowly added xenia, yellow star polyps...
  13. pstock44

    What should I add first?

    I'm still a newbie but so far I have had pretty good luck. I started a 10 gallon tank for 6 months to see if I liked it then went to my 125 gallon tank. Its been running for 9 months and I just did the last "big" addition to the tank. I want a fish/reef system so I've been fighting all kinds of...
  14. pstock44

    Yellowheaded Jawfish acting weird

    After doing a lot of searching I found someone else that had a similar problem. They said their fish went blind and was acting the same as mine (I call him Peek-A-Boo). Theirs also seemed to bump into things as it moved around the bottom like Boo is doing. They tried using Selcon and a higher...
  15. pstock44

    Fish is back from the dead!

    He was off Saving Nemo
  16. pstock44

    Yellowheaded Jawfish acting weird

    My Jawfish was missing for about a week. I thought maybe a rock had shifted and buried him but I finally found him in the skimmer box. The inside skimmer walls are covered with algae so I didn't see him until tonight. Here's the weird part. I got him out and put him back in the tank. He keeps...
  17. pstock44

    Cleaner Shrimp Died Suddenly???

    No comments??? Or ideas??? Well I've been thinking about it and the only thing I can come up with is death by crab. I have 2 red mithrax crabs, 1 green emerald crab, 6 or 7 blue leg hermits and 3 thin leg hermits. I know the thin legs are big enough to cause problems because they've already...
  18. pstock44

    Cleaner Shrimp Died Suddenly???

    I purchased a Skunk Cleaner Shrimp on Jan 22. He was doing great and molted at least twice until he was found dead on Feb 22. On Feb 14 I changed about 30 gallons of water. My nitrates (15-20ppm) and phosphates (0.2-0.3ppm) are higher than they should be but everything else is normal. What may...
  19. pstock44

    Painting Tanks

    Here's a picture of my 125 gal tank. I did a dusting of white back and forth a few times and then coated it with a nice "underwater" blue. It was the medium priced spray paint from our local BIG hardware store. I cleaned the glass with acetone first and its stuck nicely so far. Black is nice but...