Which one?


Im thinking about adding a new coral in a week or so.
Right now I have Xenia, shrooms, and a tiny piece of orange Montipora that seems to be hanging on.
I really like the looks of Frogspawn, hammer, and bubble coral.
Of those 3 which would be better suited in my tank.
Its a 75 with 216 watts of T5 lighting on it.
I have rockwork that reaches up to about 4" below the surface,
Between the return pump and powerheads Im pushing roughly 1100 ghp for current.


I see on this web site that they are listed as expert, moderate, and easy. Is the care for them really that much different?


Frogspawn and hammer is about the same....I do nothing to my frogspawn and it grows like crazy....The Bubble ..IDK why it would be considered expert...you do need good water quality and mild flow on it, and you can spot feed it...I don't do anything special to mine...and it seems ok


Active Member
Originally Posted by caz2022
Oh no no-its listed as: Frogspawn-expert, Hammer-moderate, Bubble-easy.
Umm............stupid listing IMO. All of those coral are fairly easy to keep as long as you are maintaining you tank. Placement is important with these as they do have the ability to put out long sweeper tentacles to dissuade other coral from entering "their space".


Thats great to hear-er-read. Speaking of placement, would I need to put them in the upper portion of the tank for more lighting or are my t5's enough to put them anywhere?


Active Member
In a standard 75 gallon at 21"s high I would start by placing any of them about 1/2 way up the tank. Just me though let's see what others might say.


excellent-I like the way coral looks on rock an just sitting on the bottom anyways. I think I have the perfect spot for them in mind.


Well-Known Member

When picking what coral to get, I look to see where I want to put something first, then decide what color would look good there. Then I go shopping for coral and see what they need compared to where I want it in my tank.
For example if the spot I want something is low flow and lots of light, then those are the requirements I am looking for in the coral, along with how difficult it may be to keep, how aggressive it might be to those critters around it and such.
I don’t decide to get this, that or the other unless after I find what I’m looking for and I have three choices that can be happy in my chosen spot.
There are some awesome critters of the sea you may not have ever heard of until you go coral shopping at all the different sites. Purple corky fingers and stuff like sea fans and inverts like feather duster clusters.
Hope this helps…Happy Reefing!


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by caz2022
How would Torch Coral compare to the original three?

They are all in the same family of coral. (torch, frogspawn and hammer) Each has a different shape but they are all about the same. Which one looks best to you?
I like xenia best, it dances and it is very hardy.
Bubble coral is really mean and has to have lots of space between it and other corals.


Im still in preliminary stages right now. In a perfect world, I'de have all of them but for now Im ashamed to say that price may be a big factor.


I think Im going to go with Green Torch. When people say moderate flow-would having #1 Koraila (spelling ?) pointed just above it costitute "medium flow"?


New Member
Attachment 245328
Here's a pic (hopefully you can see it, I haven't done this here before) of our torch coral, toadstool leather and tongue coral. I would say they have all been "easy" corals as I don't do anything special for them and they are all showing signs of growth. I have them under four T5 lights (2x12k and 2xactinic). The tongue coral is the only one with "direct" current flowing over it, the others have moderate indirect flow.
I hope this helps you choose. If you can't see the pic its in my album. https://forums.saltwaterfish.com/vb/album.php?albumid=87


Well-Known Member

Wow..a whole page of pictures! very nice. That door looks scary close when it's open.
hey , im looking to buy a 29 gallon nano cube. i just wanted to ask ......... wat kind of corals would you recomend for it?