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  1. mrangel

    Clown fish acting strange?

    Well, I've noticed for a few days that one of my clown fish is acting strange. She is swimming on top of the tank a lot and swims back and forth. Sometimes with my other clown fish sometimes by herself. She seems to be eating, but she just seems a little spastic. She also jumped from the...
  2. mrangel

    My clown did the weirdes thing!!

    This morning we couldn't find one of our true percula clowns. We looked everywhere in the tank. When we looked in back of the tank where the filter and pump are, she was there swimming around. How could this happen? Don't understand how she could have jumped. Is this common? Please advice...
  3. mrangel

    holding Nori down

    I have the clown fish. My tang and snails love it. Marguerite
  4. mrangel

    Feeding a Yellow Tang

    When I got my yellow tang, he was really small and skinny. I started putting on a clip, nori, lettuce and baby bockchow. He graces all day. He is now a fat happy little guy. He doesn't miss a meal. I feed him frozen formula 2, frozen spirulina and the aquarium flake food. I change his food...
  5. mrangel

    Clown and Tang behavior?

    Well, for the past few days both my clowns and my tang all hang around the left side of the tank. The rest of the tank is empty. They used to hang around on the right of the tank and the tang would roam around the left. Now both the clowns are on the left side. Is this normal? Marguerite
  6. mrangel

    What kind of food do your clown fish prefer?

    I am trying to give my fish a variety of food, but I've noticed that one of my clown fish doesn't really like the formula 1 frozen food and the formula 2. Prefers flake food. I thought the frozen food was better for them. I have tried mysis shrimp, spirulina, formula 1 and formula 2 and flake...
  7. mrangel

    What are these white dots on the back of my tank?

    Kipass4130 That's a really good pictures, that's exactly what they look like. Glad it's normal and I don't have to worry about them. Marguerite:)
  8. mrangel

    My Clown

    Beautiful picture of your clown!!! How long have you had him? Marguerite
  9. mrangel

    Pairing 2 True Percula Clowns?

    That happened to me too. :) It's fun taking pictures of your babies. I hope the fish don't get frightened. Marguerite
  10. mrangel

    What are these white dots on the back of my tank?

    I think mine are spirorbid worms, I looked them up and it does look like little worms curled up. I guess I don't have anything to worry about, which I'm really glad. Marguerite
  11. mrangel

    Pairing 2 True Percula Clowns?

    I couldn't resist, here is my little tang!! It's hard to believe when I first got him, he had a sunken stomach and lateral line erosion. Now he's my pot belly tang.
  12. mrangel

    Pairing 2 True Percula Clowns?

    Here is another picture
  13. mrangel

    Pairing 2 True Percula Clowns?

    Well, my little clowns seem to be doing well. They seperate when I'm around, but when I'm not looking they are together. Here are some pics of my babies.
  14. mrangel

    What are these white dots on the back of my tank?

    I was looking at my tank last night and I have these white dots on the back of my tank and on my rocks? I don't know what they could be. has this happened to anyone else? Should I be worried? Marguerite
  15. mrangel

    Pairing 2 True Percula Clowns?

    Well, I saw them once nip at the tail, for just a second. They kind of went at it another time, but after that they seemed to be doing fine. I don't really notice much difference. I will have some pictures tonight and I'll put them up. Marguerite
  16. mrangel

    Pairing 2 True Percula Clowns?

    Well, I went looking for another true percula clown, it was hard for some reason not a lot of LFS have true percula's right now. I found one store that had 2. One was larger than the other, but he wasn't very active and didn't eat. I also saw something on top of his head that could just be...
  17. mrangel


    I have always been interested in sea horses, I heard that they were really difficult and you had to feed them live food every 4 hours. Can anyone tell me how hard is it? Marguerite
  18. mrangel

    What to do with my lonely clown?

    Thanks for the reply. I am planning on getting a new mate for my little clown. All day he was acting very strange and wouldn't move from where there rock was. I don't know if he's waiting for her or knows that she past away. He did eat, so I am happy about that. I am worried that he'll get...
  19. mrangel

    What to do with my lonely clown?

    Well, I had a pair of true percula clowns. One the bigger one started acting weird not eating, hanging around the bottom and lost part of its color. I never saw any spots or any frayed fins, I didn't know what she had. I tried treating her with maracyn 2, but she past away. I believe it was...
  20. mrangel

    Maybe my clown doesn't have ich?

    After we looked at him closely, he doesn't appear to have white spots on him. His color does seem a little faded, but he seems to be eating more. I don't know if there is another illness that can make a fish lethargic and lose his color. I tried feeding him mysis shrimp and he did eat it. I...