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  1. mrangel

    Where can I buy Zoecon or Zoe or Selcon

    Thanks for the suggestion. marguerite
  2. mrangel

    Where can I buy Zoecon or Zoe or Selcon

    I was wondering if anyone has ever purchased Zoecon or Zoe or Selcon for their fish. I found out that Kent makes Zoecon. I was wondering if this is better than other brands. Has anyone tried American Marine Selcon? Do your fish seem to like it? Please advice Marguerite
  3. mrangel

    Can you tell me if this is something I should be worried about?

    I got the tank in December and it's been running ever since Dec 26th. My water readings are ph 8.2, Nitrite 0, Nitrate > 20, Ammonia, 0. My water temperature is 78 degrees, Salinity is 1.021 I feed them 2x a day, O.S.I. Marine flakes and Spirulina. I also put some Nori Algae clips. He seems...
  4. mrangel

    Can you tell me if this is something I should be worried about?

    I got two clowns and one yellow tang. My clown wasn't eating, but now seems to be doing better. I noticed that my tang hs a little brownish spot that appeared yesterday. I hadn't noticed it before. He seems to be eating fine. I have rocks in my tank and I think he just rubbed up against it...
  5. mrangel

    Taking pictures of your fish?

    I have taken some picture of my fish tank. I need to use the flash, I was wondering if this scares my fish. If I don't use the flash, the fish don't come out. It all comes out blue. How does everyone else take pictures of your fish. Please advice, Marguerite
  6. mrangel

    Good anemones for my fish?

    My tank is not a reef tank. It is a saltwater tank. It has been going on since December and it's a 55 gallon. My damsels are litle, I would say about an 1 1/2 inches. I also have a baby tang and my true percula clowns are also babies. As for the lighting, I believe we bought the light...
  7. mrangel

    Good anemones for my fish?

    I am looking into getting an anemone for my Clown fish, but I have concerns about my other fish. I currently have damsels, hermit crabs, snails, and a baby Tang. Will anemones harm other fish that is not a clown. What anemones are best. I really like the ones with tentacles, but I don't...
  8. mrangel

    Does anyone know what disease this is?

    thanks for your response and advice Marguerite
  9. mrangel

    Vitamin C Treatment?

    I've had a fish for a week now. It was doing fine in the beginning. We started to notice something red on one side of him on his left side. It's now getting worse, he is mostly on the grown and doesn't socialize with the other clown. We are...
  10. mrangel

    Does anyone know what disease this is?

    My clown fish has refused to eat for three days and this is what he has. He has a sore on his left side on the middle of his body. It looks a little red. It's in the white part of his body. He is basically sitting at the bottom of the tank and not socializing with the other clown fish. My...
  11. mrangel

    Clown fish sick possible Brookynella

    I was wondering if anyone know of sites with pictures of clown fish that are sick with Brooknella. My clown fish is sick, but I don't know what he has. He doesn't have ick, or fin tail rot. I don't know how to treat my little clown, he just seems to be getting worse every day. Please advice...
  12. mrangel

    Vitamin C Treatment?

    My percula clown is not eating. I think it has either a scrape on its right side. He seems to be swimming fine, but it's not eating. I don't think it is ick or bortella. Marguerite
  13. mrangel

    Vitamin C Treatment?

    I read that I should treat my tank with Vitamin C for my clown fish that is sick. I was wondering how I can do that. Would it hurt my other fish? I have 1 Tang, 6 Damsels, 2 Hermit Crabs and 1 Snail Please advice, Marguerite
  14. mrangel

    Anemone for my clown fishes?

    I bought two percula clown fishes last week and I'd like to buy an anemone for my clowns. I also have a Tang and 6 Damsels and 2 Hermit Crabs and 1 Snail. I was wondering what type of anemone would be good for my tank. I don't want my other fish to be harmed by the anemone. Please advice...
  15. mrangel

    One of my clown fish isn't eating?

    Thanks for your response and advice. :( I don't have a seperate tank to put him. What can I do? Marguerite
  16. mrangel

    One of my clown fish isn't eating?

    Thanks for your response, my clown fish is a percula clown fish. Thanks for the suggestion I'll try and get some algae based food. I have been feeding them O.S.I. Marine flake food. Hopefully, he'll start eating soon. Marguerite
  17. mrangel

    One of my clown fish isn't eating?

    I have noticed for the second day that one of my clown fish isn't eating. I got 2 clown fish this past weekend and both were doing fine. I started noticing that the smaller one hasn't eaten since yesterday. I feed them O.S.I. Marine flakes and seaweed. I also put some bloodworms, but they...
  18. mrangel

    Good Place to buyRemora Protein Skimmer?

    Hi my e-mail is I don't know how to e-mail you, but I'd appreciate knowing where you got your Remora protein skimmer. Thanks, Marguerite
  19. mrangel

    Good Place to buyRemora Protein Skimmer?

    I am interested in buying a protein skimmer. I was wondering where is a good place to purchase these items. Please advice, Marguerite
  20. mrangel

    Is this normal for my Clownfish?

    I got two clownfish last weekend, and I noticed yesterday morning that my two clownfish are on opposite sides of the tank, on top of the tank with their heads down, swimming. I think they are asleep, but I don't know. I noticed it again this morning. Is this normal? Marguerite:confused: