Search results

  1. mbintraining

    nano cube pump upgrade suggestions

    I don't think the pump that comes with the nano cube is very reliable. 1st one made a lot of noise(seemed to be out of balance internally)company sent out new one that is fine but never want to be without one if you know what I mean. Need suggestions for what fits back there in nano pump well...
  2. mbintraining

    Need Experts crab ID w/o pic

    There is no way for me to get a pic of this tiny white nocturnal crab that I found in my lr. It is just white , has claws but small. He is about 1/2 inch across. He picked up my blue ricordia that is not attached yet and tried to use it as a door to his hole in lr. He does not wander far...
  3. mbintraining

    Stock suggestions 1 more fish

    I will start adding some coral, all the fish are happy so why mess up a good thing right? I have quite a supply of pods and I think the dragonet is eating them. I also turn off the pump for a minute to allow brine or cyclops to get on rock and bottom for him. He has grown since I got him (such...
  4. mbintraining

    Stock suggestions 1 more fish

    I need one more fish in my tank. one that is colorful and lively but will not upset the calm balance of my tank. I want to choose wisely but can't just go by the "book" because fish behave differently so need some practical help.24 gal nano cube live sand base 23lbs of live rock Have in my...
  5. mbintraining

    Question anemone split for 1knight164

    Semper Fi! My granddad was a Marine in nam. The Brotherhood has taken good care of my mom when she was young. I saw a rose bubble tip anemone in the lfs. It was 3.5" diameter but on its left side it had 3-4 forked tentacles and a crease on that same side that ran all the way down its foot...
  6. mbintraining

    building the aquascape help

    Why did you switch jobs? I've heard that marine biology doesn't pay much but who says its all about the $ MBintraining
  7. mbintraining

    building the aquascape help

    As soonas I can I am going to try to post a pic of my new liverock config it is really cool? 23lbs in a 24gal tank and so clean too!!!!! MBintraining
  8. mbintraining

    Well Water

    I tested the well water 6 ways to Sunday and all readings were good but thanks for your personal experience. Since someone has tried it and found it no good and since algae was creeping I gave in and got ro/di from Wally world and it has improved tank. Thanks for all your help this thread is...
  9. mbintraining

    help please

    I am new to this site too but if you do a search for nano pics or go to the fish photography section on this site you will find alot of info it really helped me. Stay on the nano part of the site and nearly everone with an established tank has posted a pic. Don't just look at 24gal check out...
  10. mbintraining

    confused by non-nanoers

    I am new to SW and have a 24gal nano. I was posting ? on the newbie board and was getting conflicting advice from the 175 gal people and then nano cubers. I have seen pics of some of your gorgeous tanks, I hope that mine can be like that in the future. I have a standard JBJ nano 24 gal dx...
  11. mbintraining

    Well Water

    Trying to get this straight.... silicates is that the total dissolved solids test? Copper and trace metals any particular brand of test? MBintraining
  12. mbintraining

    Well Water

    I have searched this board and archives and I know the discussions on RO/DI water versus tap .....but I have well water that comes up from 350 feet below the surface it is cold clear and tastes great! It has PH of 7.8 no chlorine, phospates, nitrates, nitrites or ammonia. It is as natural as...
  13. mbintraining

    building the aquascape help

    I want to thank everyone for their helpful advice. :jumping: Between a great lfs, this site and books I am off to a great start. 2months into it brown algae gone calcarous alge growing as planned and fish are happy :happyfish . Just visiting lfs too much to drool over their corals and...
  14. mbintraining

    building the aquascape help

    I did find the photo section and like the reefylooks that I do not have yet but someone told me not to fill the tank with live rock. Wait then as I add zoanthids, soft coral and mushrooms add rock to place them then because they come on rock. So now waiting is the key fish are happy, I am happy...
  15. mbintraining

    building the aquascape help

    Thanks for the coral suggestions I will read up on them. I know that I can get them at a reputable lfs and they may cost more but only 10 min from store to quarantine is a plus it has to be. Are there any recommended ways to arrange the rock when the coral is added? I know they need space for...
  16. mbintraining

    building the aquascape help

    My tank cycled and came back to 0 and is still. fish are fed one time per day taking pellets (just a bit) and crushing them (all my fish have small mouths) I have 2 24 watt 50/50 dual spectrum bulbs with 2 cooling fans as lighting any suggestions about rock? thanks for replying
  17. mbintraining

    building the aquascape help

    I am young but I want to be a Marine biologist so I have done some research. My parents bought me a 24gal nano dx and we set it up dec 26 with a bag of live aragonite, 13 lbs of live rock and left it for a week. It cycled and now my levels are Ph 8.2 ammonia-0 nitrates -0 nitrites-0...