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  1. leeleeah

    Cycled in...added 3

    ophiura, I've heard that micro bubbles are bad for fish. I worry about the skimmer producing too many bubbles while the aquasafe is in there. The aquasafe was used for adding new fish for the slime coat to protect against stress. I also use Prime. You say to run the skimmer, but someone else...
  2. leeleeah

    Cycled in...added 3

    well thank you so much for your advice. I had a tang before and he was about the size of my palm after 3 years. My tank doesn't have alot of LR so there is more swimming room for him ...... I know my lfs and he will let me trade him later on. Sam, do you think I need to take my keyhole back? I...
  3. leeleeah

    Cycled in...added 3

    okay, here is a pic of the puffer I bought...I got the pic from this site I hope they don't mind me using it just for i.d. purpose....My lfs called it a "toby" I absolutely love this guy. He adds so much personality to the tank. What do you think? I've heard they don't get very big (only 2...
  4. leeleeah

    Cycled in...added 3

    Are you sure? The hawain puffer only gets 2 inches long from what they told me. I've had a keyhole before in this tank along with a much larger yellow tang and they both did fine. Since I've had them before I just stuck to what I knew when I went to my lfs today. Just wondering about the...
  5. leeleeah

    Cycled in...added 3

    hello again everyone... Just an update and a few questions today. I've had my 50 gal. tank up for one month with LR and LS. Parameters are good so today I added a keyhole angel (small), a very small yellow tang (about 1 1/2 inches long) and a hawian puffer. Everything is good with the...
  6. leeleeah

    How long will this take?

    The best way is to add just a few pieces of LR in your tank and place them on top and close to your existing rock. This creates natural coraline growth on the existing rock. It could take a few months but it is the best way. Using purple up for coraline growth I've heard works, but you should...
  7. leeleeah

    Skimmer Question

    Thank you so much for the help. This is such a great site for information. I will look into that skimmer you mentioned and I'm going out this weekend to look for a good powerhead. I'm wondering if you have any ideas on a lighting upgrade for my tank size?
  8. leeleeah

    Skimmer Question

    I have a 50 gal tank I have just set up with LR and LS. I am setting it up for Fish Only (until I can upgrade my lighting) I had my tank set up before (for 5 years) with an Emperor 400, 1 20 watt 50/50 flourescent bulb. I've never had a skimmer or a power head and wondered which of these would...
  9. leeleeah

    New Parameters

    GB, did your ammonia levels ever go up to 1? I'm just wondering because I am on day 9 and my levels are the same as yours, and have been the same for the past 3 days, except my ammonia has only gone up to .5 I am curious as to whether or not my tank has even started to cycle. From what I am...
  10. leeleeah

    Diatoms wont' go away

    Very interesting and informative too. I've never had that problem with my tank but at least I'll know what to do if it happens. Thanks so much for the info.
  11. leeleeah

    Diatoms wont' go away

    I've heard of diatome but I don't know what it is.....Can you tell me what a diatome is and how to i.d. it in the tank?
  12. leeleeah

    Day 7 New Parameters emperor 400 says the flow is 400 gal/hr Here are todays readings (this is day 9) Nitrate (NO2) : 0 Ammonia: .50 PH: 8.4 Nitrate (NO3): 5.0 These readings have pretty much stayed the same for the past 3 days. Do you think anything is happening? I'm just not sure it has even started to...
  13. leeleeah

    Day 7 New Parameters

    I've just read through my last post. I was quoting what my book says about nitrates. Sorry for the confusion. My main question in the beginning of this post was "Is my tank cycling?" I gave the parameters for Day 7. Today is day 8 and everything is the same except for my ammonia level went to .50
  14. leeleeah

    Day 7 New Parameters

    I've used this same brand of test kit for years and I have never heard of the ammonia test being "off". My tank was established for 5 years before I set it up this time. It is a brand new kit I just bought last week and I checked the date on it. My test kit says "In a new aquarium the nitrate...
  15. leeleeah

    Day 7 New Parameters

    yes it is Aquarium Pharmaceuticals
  16. leeleeah

    Day 7 New Parameters

    I have a 50 gal. tank with an Emperor 400 Filtration System. My tank is set up for FOWLR. I made a post a few days ago about my live rock. (I restarted the tank after it sat for a year with the live rock still in it) The LR has coraline but no other signs of life. I added new substrate (Live...
  17. leeleeah

    Set up question.....

    Yes I know, I never should have let the tank go but I developed fibromyalgia and could no longer take care of it. I'm doing a bit better now so I thought by setting it up again maybe it would help me stay sane! lol! I've really missed it! The tank has only been up for 6 days so I have a long...
  18. leeleeah

    Set up question.....

    Will that bring back the inverts too? I don't see anything.....feather dusters.....critters....nothing. I want to bring them back.......
  19. leeleeah

    Set up question.....

    Thanks so much for the post. I'm glad to know that the LR can come back from so much trauma. I'm going to order some more live rock because I am needing it anyway (only 20 pounds of LR in the 50 gallon tank right now.) I think also that I will steer clear of the purple up since I can't test for...
  20. leeleeah

    Set up question.....

    I just found the answer to my own question here on the boards...Duh! Purple up is just used for the coraline....but can I still use it while the tank is cycling or wait until after the cycle? Also, add a piece or LR now or after the cycle?