Search results

  1. becka

    help with corals?

    I have a 75g which I have set up for 2 years and everything has been doing great. I would like to add some corals but not sure which to start with and what kind of light they need. I went to my LFS and here is what they have in stock... Christmas worm rock, green ricordia, finger leather...
  2. becka

    Sump pics please?

    Hi everyone I have a 75 g which has been up and running for a while. My husband wants to put a sump underneath. Could anyone give me some ideas and pics on how to accomplish this Thank you!!!!
  3. becka

    75 gallon questions

    You all have such beautiful tanks!!! I really need some advice on how to upgrade mine. Right now it is pretty boring, yellow tang, clownfish, a shrimp, 3 damsels and some cleaners. I really want some anenomes, soft coral... what kind of light would I need, and any other info would be so...
  4. becka

    anenome question

    I added a new anennome 2 days ago to my 75 g. I have had it set up for 2 years so it is very well established. I have a yel tang, clownfish, 3 damsels, 3 shrimp and some cleaners. I have no ammonia, nitrates and nitrites are within range and my pH is 8.2. I have a actinic light as well as a...
  5. becka

    Something is wrong with my Angel

    I have a black/white angel along with various other fish in my 75g. I just noticed he didn't come out tonight when I fed the tank, so I found him hiding inbetween the coral, looks to be breathing hard. Everyone else looks fine and the tank parameters are good. I don't know what I should do...
  6. becka

    anenome question

    I have just added my mine to my 75g. I wanted to know if there were anything special I needed to do for him? He looks stressed as he has put himself in a hole and has shriveled up. Once he feels comfy will he come back out?? Thanks for any info
  7. becka

    Just added anenome to tank??

    I have just added my anenome to my 75g. I haven't had one before so its all new. I researched how to acclimate... so I htink I did all that right. But he stuck himself in a hole and kinda sucked himself all up. Is this normal? Will he attach himself?? Thanks
  8. becka

    Tank in Charlotte, not gonna ship...

    do you still have your tank for sale?? I live in pinehurst nc???
  9. becka

    skimmer question??

    Anyone ever use the coral life skimmer?
  10. becka

    sump question

    I have a 75 gal. , just bought a skimmer but want to create a sump tank underneath. How much and what do I need to get to get it going. Thanks
  11. becka

    snail question

    Nitrates are 0. maybe the temp is too warm but I don't think anything has changed that much. But it is really hot here so that migth be it:) Thanks!!
  12. becka

    Could someone ID these?

    anyone?? :jumping:
  13. becka

    Tank Pic - Please comment

    What a beautiful tank!!! Can I ask how you keep algea from over running everything?? It covers my live rock, substrate??? getting frustrated cause I would love to keep adding corals?? Thanks!
  14. becka

    Could someone ID these?

    I know I need to get a pic but I wil try to explain. I have white dots clustred in aresa of my tank, mainly on the glass but some also on coral. They are about the size of the tip of a pen and the are semi circle almost touching ends?? Any ideas??
  15. becka

    snail question

    THey have all been doing fine and then all of the sudden!
  16. becka

    snail question

    Mine was 1.027!!
  17. becka


    Thanks - I was really curious about him. !!
  18. becka


    Hi I just read your post about your new "algea Eater" he is amazing. Does he eat any type of algea? My tank needs some serious algea eating. Where did you purchase him? Thanks so much! becka
  19. becka

    snail question

    ironically, that is the one thing i didn't check yesterday - just went a checked and it is high! Could that be what is worong?
  20. becka

    snail question

    I have a 75g, been setup for a year, I have a yellow tang, 3 damsels, clownfish, black-n-white angel, and i had lots of snails. Well, they have all died - the ones I can find??? The fish are all healthy, water chemisrty is great. ANy ideas why this would have happened. And I have plenty of...