Search results

  1. frenchwitch

    blood worms

    Although blood worms are a nice treat I do not recomend them for good nutrition. If you read on the back the the protein level is only about 4.5% and fat is only aboout 0.2%. This is much to low! I recomend Ocean nutrition flakes of different varieties. This will provide the proper nutrition and...
  2. frenchwitch

    Seahorse change

    Has anyone seen a sea horse change colors? I have several sea horses in my 60 gal. hex tank. I only had one black male the rest are either yellow, blond or red. Now the large black male has completely changed to a bright red to match the largest red female and both are now displaying courting...
  3. frenchwitch

    mandarin dragonette

    I have been very lucky through the years with these little guys. However, I have always had plenty of live rock. I currently have a pair in a small 37 gallon reef tank. I have had these guys for a number of years and even though they have plenty to eat they also like to dine on some frozen food...
  4. frenchwitch

    dumb question

    COME ON FOLKS!!! This is a site about people helping people with fish... both fresh and salt... It sure seems to me if no one wants to offer advise on this site then should have absolutely no problem refering someone to a quality place to recieve good info!! And if that is not...
  5. frenchwitch

    LR Questions

    If your pH is only 7.9 it needs to be buffered. You can pick up an aquarium buffer at any pet store. I personaly perfer Kent, but any Marine buffer will due. As far as additives a tank with Live rock should be treated with trace elements, calcium, and both water and fat soluable vitamins. Just...
  6. frenchwitch

    Possible ich breakout?!?!

    Not to worry! if you only have a small tank and are not adding fish but once every four months. A quarentine tank is nice, but not absolutely necessary. To cure this ich all you need is a product called Kick-Ich made by Ruby Reef. It is completely reef safe. You can even use this stuff with star...
  7. frenchwitch

    Clown Trigger colors fading

    If your water chemistry is good the next thing is the water quality. You first might want to double check your alkalinity. However, my guess would be that he is low on vitamin B12 or vitamin C and possibly both. This will often cause growing fish to loose color. What I use on my juvanile fish is...