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  1. amadent

    where does the skimmer go?

    he has three compartment, but only the partitions sectioning the refug touch the bottom. He has> I will try to get a picture tomorrow. Thanks.
  2. amadent

    where does the skimmer go?

    thanks. If it stays in the return chamber would there be any benefit to running a skimmer?
  3. amadent

    where does the skimmer go?

    I am having a sump /refugium built by my local guy. He tells me that the skimmer goes in the last compartment along with my return pump. I don't think this is correct. . I thought it should be in the first chamber from my overflow box. Am I right?
  4. amadent

    wierd live rock

    thank you will donow
  5. amadent

    wierd live rock

    It seems everytime I use the turkey baister to clean the live rock in my tank I get what looks like fine sinuey threads (almost like spider silk) appearing on the rocks. They seem to come out of little projections on the rocks similar to the tip of a ball point pen. Size and shape. Anyone...
  6. amadent

    sand or no sand

    what would you consider a proper sand be for a reef tank?
  7. amadent

    sand or no sand

    bullitr, that's what he said at the store. Thank you for your response. I guess if no decaying matter than no or hopefully very low nitrates
  8. amadent

    sand or no sand

    I just came back fro my local fish guy. He has absolutly beautiful reef tanks on display. Has had them for years. He suggests that I set up my reef tank without any sand substrate. Any cons or pros? Any help would be appreciated. He seems honest and knowledgable, but what do I know.
  9. amadent

    adding clean up crew

    :notsure: I just got my clean up crew delivered from saltwaterfish .com my question is , do I acclimate them the same way I would fish? :notsure:
  10. amadent

    picture of my problem . HELP!

    socal57che. Thanks for all your time, patience, and knowledge. From the east coast to west coast, Thanks and good night.
  11. amadent

    picture of my problem . HELP!

    I'll start tonight. One thing. My skimmer, remora pro is set with the collection cup is set almost all the way up already. I have a prefilter box on it. Any suggestions?
  12. amadent

    picture of my problem

    Sorry. I don't even know how I started this one I thought I lost it and started the new one . This does have a list of my tank inhabitants. Talk to you in the other thread
  13. amadent

    picture of my problem . HELP!

    no suppliments
  14. amadent

    picture of my problem . HELP!

    does the ditrius in the caves and live rock raise the nitrates and phosphates
  15. amadent

    picture of my problem . HELP!

    what about water turnover. Should it be increased. The water in my collection cup is medium green and smells.
  16. amadent

    picture of my problem

    lighting 4x65 compact Ithink 10,000 and actinic po4 =25ppm one a day 1 frozen cube
  17. amadent

    picture of my problem . HELP!

    auto freak, Any particular types of snails. What about the cleaner crews on this web site?
  18. amadent

    picture of my problem . HELP!

    tizzo, ph meaning power heads. Right now I have 3 total about 800gph. ph 8.1 po4=2.0,no3=25 dkh=8.3 alk=2.97 sg=1.023 temp = 79.5 size of tank =72gal
  19. amadent

    picture of my problem . HELP!

    here is what my six moth old tank looks like. My problem is green hair algae.water parameters are ok with only the nitrates being a little high (25ppm). Water turnover is supplied be 2 mj1200's 1 rio 1400, remora pro, and cascade canister. About 1200gph. I have noticed that I have detrius...
  20. amadent

    picture of my problem

    my 72 bow has been set up since 10/28/06. It's progressing pretty well except for the formation of green hair algae. All my parameters are good. the only one that is a liitle out wack is the nitrates 25ppm. It seems that I am trapping detrius in the caves and in the nooks and crannies of the...