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  1. amadent

    sweetlips dying

    crazz, thanks and good night
  2. amadent

    books and learning

    I just saved your answer . Will order it tomorrow. It's great to know that you're all out there.
  3. amadent

    sweetlips dying

    thanks for the info. A lot to learn. I'll get the one day. Now I need good reference material and books to read so I don't kill anything!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. amadent

    books and learning

    what book or books would you recommend for a nubee. I know I read the answer somewhere but can't find it. I know this is asked all the time, so i apologize in advance.
  5. amadent

    sweetlips dying

    yes for the skimmer.
  6. amadent

    sweetlips dying

    no going to by one tomorrow. any suggestions? Hang on the back?
  7. amadent

    sweetlips dying

    he is at least in an upright position. Hiding in the lr. Hope he makes it.
  8. amadent

    canister vs sump

    thank you. The store owner mentioned concern about overflow or spilage if power went out,true?. I have a canister on my 29 bow. It's ok, not great.
  9. amadent

    sweetlips dying

    ok if he makes it. What do you think about the slick on top of the water with brown particulates?
  10. amadent

    canister vs sump

    It seems that most of the subscribers favor sumps over canisters. The reason I ask is that I am buying a 72gal bow. My local supplier favors a canister type filter, I don't know if you can mention brands. Quote= " If is was me , I would go with this canister." The new tank was ordered not...
  11. amadent

    sweetlips dying

    yup it is YOU GUYS ARE GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. amadent

    sweetlips dying

    it looks like a cross between a shark and a catfish. I apologize for being ignorant
  13. amadent

    sweetlips dying

    three weeks frozen mysis shrimp frozen spirulina , and salt water flakes and no inverts
  14. amadent

    sweetlips dying

    no damage have had him about 3 weeks
  15. amadent

    sweetlips dying

    29 gallon bow
  16. amadent

    sweetlips dying

    came home today to see my sweetlips gasping and laying on the bottom of my tank. Koran angel, marron clown and shark? are ok. Water checked out amm=0, nitrites=0, ph=8.3 nitrates=60ppm(mgl) (a little high) total alkalinity buffering over 300 ppm. salility=1.022. The weird thing is that the...
  17. amadent

    live rocks dead ?

    bsd230 . thanks for the info. I have no clean up crew, but will try to get some
  18. amadent

    live rocks dead ?

    I'm relatively new to salt water aquariums, about nine months. I thought all was going well. The water was clear, fish seemed happy, and the live rocks looked like when I bought them. I then started testing for nitrates, nitrites ph, and ammonia. Ammonia was 0, nitrites were 0,ph was 8.0.but...